Unleash Your Adventurous Spirit!
Embark on unforgettable journeys and capture every thrilling moment with our adventure notes and journal logs.

Hello Friends!
Travel ignites our souls! There’s something magical about landing in a new destination, eagerly waiting to explore, grabbing our bags, and stepping onto the shipping docks, all set for an adventure.
Diving into the vibrant tapestry of local cultures and stumbling upon surprises at every turn fills us with an indescribable joy. Every journey is a new chapter in our books of wanderlust, waiting to be written.
Our Adventure Journey
Step into our world of adventure and exploration, where every day is a new opportunity to uncover the extraordinary. We are dedicated to capturing the essence of each journey, from the bustling city streets to the serene natural landscapes. Our party is passionate about sharing the thrill of adventure and inspiring others to embrace the unknown. Join us as we embark on exhilarating escapades and document our experiences for the world to see.

How The Adventure Began
In the Kingdom of Lebanon…
It’s a dark and stormy night, the rain is pouring. From inside the tavern you hear commotion outside and screams. As you step outside, you notice crowds starting to run towards the port. The deafening sound of the rain mimics that of a whirlwind, muffling all but the screams of people pushing through the crowds. A faint purple glow out of the north of town gives you an unsettled feeling and a sensation of dread in your gut. You instinctively start to run with the crowd towards the port heading to the docks. Panic sets in, and you fight your way through the crowd, trying to get to the docks. You hear louder screams, then a bone-chilling shriek just outside the city. You look around at the terrified citizens around you, most are starting to fall to their knees, praying to whatever god they believe will save them. But you know better, you know, the only thing that will save you is to make it to the docks and to get out into the harbor. As you get closer, you notice others that look out of place from the citizens of Lebanon, but they too, wear the mask of fear! You make eye contact and instinctively glance in sync at the ship in the port. You quickly look back at each other and involuntarily give each other a nod. You find yourself working towards the dock when suddenly a flash of light blinds you, a concussive boom follows shortly after, knocking you forward on your face. When you catch your bearings you look up behind you and see a hulking beast and a cloaked figure. The boom deafened you, and all you hear is a ringing in your ears. As you start to stand, you notice most of the crowd of people are dead or unconscious, yet others stand by your side; the same you made eye contact with previously! Again you glance at each other, draw your weapons to face the ominous foes before you.

Session #1

Dungeon Master Notes
Our party finds themselves at the tavern near the port. They are weary travelers, passing through the kingdom of Lebanon. As they enjoy some mead and ale, they hear a commotion outside. The tavern is under attack. A bandit has apprehended the barkeep. The party, though strangers to each other now, work together to subdue the intruder. On the bandit they find a note written in Elvish and talisman. The Kingdom seems to be overrun by bandits. Some of the group beat-up invaders in the tavern. A friend in yellow talked about a prophecy. The party searches the kingdom for clues.

Session #2

Dungeon Master Notes
The party makes their way to the High Temple and speaks to Yab, the High Priest. He tells of an ancient prophecy and describes the land to the south, the region of Anlo. There they will find The Great Furnace…he describes it like a volcano. The kingdom comes under siege by an undead necromancer who summons a giant beast. With the help of the kingdom guards, the party is successful in their victory. As the party investigates the inhabitants of Lebanon, Brewmaster helps a tradesmen in need, a man named Nilson Teel. As the rest of the party gathers at Brewmasters location, they are attacked by a horde of bandits from the rooftops and shadows.

Session #3

Dungeon Master Notes
The party makes their way out of the kingdom to search for the bandits ravaging the people. They find that nature is out of balance and a forest spriggan asks Nova and Sapphire for aid. Soon after fighting off corrupted spriggans, they are ambushed by bandits and large hulking beasts. Almost upon being defeated, the bandit leader teleports through a portal. The bandit leader is a long lost acquaintance of Rendors, his old maester, Lanford Louvet. Upon reaching Lebanon once again the kingdom is under siege once more.

Session #4

Dungeon Master Notes
The party runs into Nilson who directs them to the ports, but not after gifting them with his precious token. As they fight off hordes of undead, they make their way to the docks, and can only board the main shipping vessel, The Mandarin, by showing Nilson’s token. With prayers, Adonai sends down an agent of Light and helps the party escape.

Session #5

Dungeon Master Notes
While on the Manadrin, the party distracts the crew to break into the hold down below. As Alezar does this, he finds Lanford Louvet trapped in a cell of ice in one of the storage rooms. He then finds who is guarding him, a cosmic being who calls himself, Rakshasha Do’afin. As Alezar trys to pickpocket him, Rakshasha bends reality around them and relays a message of the importance of the quest they are on, tho they know nothing of it. The ship is attacked by sea creatures, vile ones from the depths. They are accompanied by a kraken, that destroys the ship and everyone on it. The party ends the session losing consciousness under the water.

Session #6

Dungeon Master Notes
The party wakes up on a remote beach and immediately has to fight off the vile sea creatures once more. They are successful and make their way inland. They come across a beastial warrior fighting off insectoid creatures that bleed an iridescent liquid. Upon helping him, they are told of a blight that has overtaken the wood. Nature seems to be fighting everything, including itself. Nature is out of balance. What is causing it. They defeat a forest ent and make their way deeper in the wood.

Session #7 – #50
01/09/2021 – 02/17/2024

Dungeon Master Notes
he party finds a town in ruins, however, upon going inside, it seems to be perfect and bustling with life. They stumbled onto a town under a spell by a powerful golden dragon. They help cure his heartache, and they are free to go with their lives.
They make their way to a cave where they find a wandering cleric names Beimaer. She helps them in their quest. They explore the caverns, only to make their way deeper into a long forgotten tomb. They battle an evil necromancer who possesses Eyuraand, the Great Bezazelel. Lanford appears from a portal and helps the party win the battle, disappearing through the same portal when the fight is won.
The cleric Alaric contracts the puffs and is overtaken by a swarm of fungus then wanders into the forest.
A forest shaman in a ruined temple tell the party of a prophecy of the child of Light. He points them in the direction they need to go then dissolves.
The party makes their way to Riverwood where they help a family in need. They also hear rumors of an ancient shrine. They make their way there to see a large egg on an altar that has been cracked open. Whatever was inside is now gone. Alezar finds himself in an aetheric plane with dragons and fairies. They tell him the child of Light has been taken and they must follow.
The party makes their way to the Kingdom of Gad, where Aleda makes friends with a vampire, while they kill their gods avatar. The party also gets robbed and lose all of their wealth, only Rendor kept his gold. They make their way around the kingdom and find a band of Dwarve’s. Brewmaster gets scolded and then a tome opens and they learn of the origins of the Dwarves and the dilution of their bloodlines. The party makes their way underground through ruins and they traverse it for two months. Upon reaching a massive cavern, they fight a mighty being, Qin. Upon being defeated, the mighty being bestows knowledge and power onto the party. They exit the caves through a path in the back and they find themselves in a dessert.
The party then makes their way to some ruins, only to find a goblin camp. The goblins seem friendly and ask for help clearing the ruins of an evil that drove the goblins out into the dessert. The goblin rogue, Pluic, joined the party to help guide the party through the ruins. Upon entering the ruins, a grotesque creature manifested from an iridescent goo. It’s towering above the party standing roughly 15 feet tall and immediately sinks its mace deep within Beimaer’s chest, extinguishing her light. They fight on through the ruins and Pluic dies in a fight with some undead dwarves. They then fall through a sinkhole in the floor into a massive cavern. The cavern seems to stretch on i to the darkness and is of an immense size. Inside looks to be the long lost battleground and a vast treasure and bodies are scattered throughout. In the center of the cavernous space is the long dead carcass of the legendary tarasque! A myriad of weapons stick out of the carcass and the party loots the room finding magical items to help them on their quest. Past the carcass is a doorway that leads to a starcase leading back up into the ruins. The party solves a puzzle and frees an ancient being, an Abashai named Argdak. He helps them leave the ruins and head north to a small nomadic village.
the village was on the edge of the dessert and was occupied by a band of nomads that concealed a curse of twilight, for all members of the nomadic settlement were werehorses! Upon leaving for the port city of Torngat, Argdak left the party on a quest of his own, maybe they will meet again.
the party now finds themselves in the city of Torngat.

Session #51

Dungeon Master Notes
The party entered the city and was approached by a gate guard. He described where the cities inn and taverns were, so the party went and entered a room at the inn, and then made their way to the tavern for some drinks. They split up and some of the members stayed and drank and partook in the song and dance of the main market square. Alezar and Eyuraand saw a familiar market building and wagon and tried to procure things…illegally, but they were caught. The merchants made it known that they were cosmic beings under the direction of Adonai, set as Watchers in the realm. They learned a little about the creation story of Alfheim and were let off with a warning. Aleda and Rendor went to the smithy to attune some items, and they did. The rest of the party, while drinking and people watching, enjoyed song and dance from the city, hearing the bard’s tale of the creation of Torngat and how Rudra had a hand in protecting a valiant knight’s true love. Aleda noticed a “Lady of the Night” and went off with her for some fun.

Session #52

Dungeon Master Notes
Aleda made it to the bordello and was offered two chalices, one of wine, the other of blood. Her new cloak, recently traded with Rendor and attuned at the smithy, pushed her to drink the blood, and so she did.She then followed her night companion upstairs where she laid on the bed, exposing her neck for Aleda to feed, as if she was a vampire. At once the woman became entranced and charged at Aleda, impaling herself on Aledas sword, all the while smashing her face in the a near by lantern. The blood splattered all over Aleda and her cloak, and when it did, it turned from a burlap material to a soft and brilliant scarlet robe with gold trimmings. As the woman fell to the ground, dead, the cloak floated off of her onto the body. When it did so, it absorbed the woman’s life force allowing Aleda’s vampire friend, or someone disguised as her, to take an aetheric form, sinking her teeth into Aleda, only to vanish while Aleda passed out. Aleda awoke and the cloak was now a vibrant sapphire blue with gold trimmings, however, when Aleda puts the hoods up, it turns a scarlet red with gold trimmings…and Aleda becomes a creature of twilight, for Aleda is now part vampire!
At this very same time, the party is done with their enjoyment of the main square and make off to find Aleda. As they do, eyuraand notices a run down home with candles burning in the windows. As he approached the door, he is pulled in by a group of adventurers mourning the loss of their dear friend. They question how Eyuraand know him, as Eyuraand telepathically connects with another dragonborn. as he does, he looks through their eyes and see them walking together, as the lost soul gets impaled by a large harpoon from a massive metal battleship by the pier. The lost soul, Gunthar, was loved by many, and his death hangs a shadow over the city. Will his killers ever pay the price of their crimes? He exits the home and updates the party on what he experienced as the make their way to the bordello. Rendor walks up to an adjacent building and is greated by two animated armors wielding flaming swords. The door is open, but in the shadows beyond a figure can be seen with a twisted smile and bright yellow glowing eyes. When asking questions the entity responds with cryptic answers and give Rendor a horrible feeling of dread.
They back up in disbelief when Aleda comes out of the bordello. They discuss each of their affairs thus far and agree to push into the creepy home, with Aleda announcing her newfound powers. They approach and it seems she is welcomed as the party enters the establishment. It’s dark and musty and the air is fowl with the odor of blood and death, revolting the party and making them uneasy. Those who have dark vision and can see in the shadows see vampires feeding on thraws deep in the shadows, starring at the party as they make their way through the dusty and unkempt rooms. A man approaches and a conversation ensues and they’re led deeper into the establishment to a deeper room with a doorway to the outside. All looks normal, however, with it being daylight outside, the doorway in this room makes it’s opening into a courtyard with a giant moon overhead, the ground covered in twilight. All of a sudden an ancient being attacks frightening the party as it steps into the twilight. As it does, it begins to shapeshift into an abomination of a creature causing severe damage. The party is successful at defeating it and they leave with great haste, retreating to the inn for succor.

Aleda’s Adventure Logs
It was in the Kingdom of Gad when I first met her. I know what she was, but that didn’t stop me. Where I should have been frightened, I was not, rather intrigued. Maybe it was some mystical power or perhaps my own darkness which drew me to her. She gave me knowledge for a taste of my blood from my wrist. We were bound as that moment. The itch of the wrist summoning me to be careful, or telling me of an emergency, or danger. She was always there. It wasn’t until we reached Torngat that things really changed. I knew the “Lady of the Night” that I had selected, had been fed upon, and yet she regarded me as a vampire offering herself as a meal, or at least just a taste. I was shocked and slightly terrified at what was happening. She grew wild and violently smashed a lantern upon her own head as she charged at me meeting my blade. My cloak, my friend, and myself took her blood. It was painless when my vampire familiar bit deep into my neck. I knew what this meant when I first found my fangs and the sun burned my flesh, any doubt was erased. I was a creature of the night, yet not undead, life still clung to me. As far as my party, my loyalty remains, although I must admit a feeling of superiority. There is something regal and majestic about the vampire part. I spoke to Namaka for the first time since the storm which shattered our ship and killed all of the crew but for some reason spared me. I wonder sometimes if my friend had anything to do with that.
As a vampire, the brilliant blue vision acquired is truly a sight to behold! Pure darkness becomes a super sharp image. An image human eyes could never behold while the extending of fingers, arms, and toes seems haunting, but it feels as good as the fangs do as they manifest. Am I a hindrance or a benefit? Time will tell, but I wont to be walking into a church, anytime soon.

Session #53

Dungeon Master Notes
The party decides as evening falls, after a good rest, to go take in the town’s night life. Alezar sits in the corner of the inn contemplating his next move, Eyuraand and Claire take a stroll to spend some much needed time together, and the rest of the party is sitting outside the tavern, once again, taking in the sites. Upon looking around, their keen adventure seasoned eyes take note of something moving in the shadows, just out of the light. Aleda transforms and her new vampiric sight pierces the darkness allowing her to see a myriad of beasts running around the outskirts of the town as they take notice to the party. Aleda shouts, “I see you!” in the Orcish tongue. the creatures immediately respond, “Kill them, take them, eat them!” as they break their cover of the night and burst into the city square causing the citizens to run away in terror for their lives.
At this time Claire buckles to the ground writhing in pain. She can do naught but cower in the fetal position as her mind is bombarded with pain coursing through her entire body. Three massive, hulking beasts step out of the shadows into the light standing over fifteen feet tall. Their presence looms over the party and fill their hearts with dread and they begin to fight for their lives. Clair is knocked unconscious barely hanging onto her life. The battle stretches on for what seems forever, yet our heroes prevail and soon enter back into the tavern for a much deserved drink or two. As the patrons of the tavern treat them initially as threats, soon a humble young half-elf approaches the party and relaxes the other guests and thanks the party for their service, nodding with a smirk on his face. The tavern comes alive with chatter and drinking as if all was well. The party learns of a guild in the city that may be of import as the fellow seems to have some intimate knowledge of their quest. The party relaxes as night sets in, awaiting their next session…

Brewmaster’s Adventure Logs
What Hinkleberg was talking about, it was sounding very familiar. Something we encountered back in Lebanon a while back. He showed us an object and seems like he was trying lead us to a different direction. We need to stay the course but seems like the closer we get the further we get it seem. HOLY CRAP!! I just noticed we’re walking on cobblestone!!! This is awesome!! Sorry my drunkenness gets the best of me sometimes. We headed north to see what will become. We ran into a goofy dude named Damon “Lich head” Lamore, or something like that. This dude was wacked out …I like the brew but this guy was freaking this lil dwarf out…. I shoulda challenged him to a drink off, but oh well. He looked like Claire but there was so much going on and what he was saying, I couldn’t keep up. I just looked at Claire and said WTF!! She was looking worried and I think she thought we were going to blame her and abandon her. Claire , you are one of us, everything that we been through up to this point, we got you!! we told her. We got her to the inn and a possessed voice came from her and said “Bakgordek, the great fire lord is real, the great fire lord is coming!!!” or something like that. I take a chug of my brew an we are now in yet another battle.
“What the hell is going on here!!” I shout. The dog creatures came, I think there was two of them. A Promise Kept is ready to go!, I thought to myself. Those dudes were tough. One hit me a damn near killed me were my short ass stood. A gust of wind came over us and heard a voice. It was Claire. She was here. She took the dog creatures. There is some absolutely some strange stuff going on in this town but thank you Claire…thank you… Hinkleberg and some other dude showed up. Hinkleberg said “I am above and below it all” or something like that. The other dude then said, At this time tomorrow, you’ll be in front of cultured three!!” Looking around and confused we make our way to find Claire. The towns folk are cheering us but Claire though where is and how is Claire I think to myself. We found her at the inn. Her normal look for what we saw her as had changed. It almost looked like a curse had been lifted from her…after saving us and everything she has done for us…I’m contemplating, really thinking she is almost godlike. I would devote myself to her!

Sapphire’s Adventure Logs
As the group enters the room at the inn, I’m very confused about everyone’s disheveled state. After they filled her in on what had happened she agreed to go into town for a drink. They seemed like they could really use one. While on their way to the tavern I heard someone say that there’s something or someone in the darkness. I strains my eyes to see but can only see movement instead which makes me confused and frustrated that my natural cat dark vision doesn’t work. I hear Aleda shout for the group to surround her. Confused SI comply with the request and is surprised to see Aleda turn into a vampire. Aleada shouts something that I don’t understand but based on the enemy appearing I can guess at what may have been said. The fight seems to be going as well as to be expected with three huge enemies suddenly turning up in town and attacking us. After a bit the town guards finally show up to help but then suddenly run away after seeing the enemies. Useless guards I thought. But I couldn’t fully blame them for being scared. Even my own party was having difficulty killing them. Worried about Clair and her reaction to the enemies I try to move closer to her to find out what’s wrong and heal her as well. One of the enemy’s has other plans and forces me to focus on the battle. Without warning I hears Render shout and I’m suddenly hit by what feels like a bolt of electricity. Realizing that Render used his hammer, I mumbles a fragmented “use away….group…time” because that is all I’m capable of. After the spell wears off I’m finally able to focus on healing Clair and the others with my healing spirit. A drink at the tavern next to them is really needed! I decides to order a beer and some food. Not a bad way to end the night.

Aleda’s Adventure Logs
A new dawn, a new day, a new wonder if my party will turn on me or if I stay on their good side and remain a valuable part of the party. So we shall see what today holds. We rested through the day awaking around evening time. There is celebration in process so off to the tavern we go. But with a single drink we found movement beyond the light of the center square. My party encircled me and I raised my cloak, bringing out the “other” me. The brilliant blue vision returned revealing scouts of some kind preparing for battle. ORCS, yet different! I just discovered I float above the ground, what a trip! The monsters revealed themselves and I can also see through magical darkness. I fought as a vampire for the first time. They yelled, “Attack them, Kill them, Eat them!” I don’t plan on being food, so the battle ensues! Bloody hell these things are big. I summoned the Djinn to help us, and someone gave me a gift of inflicting more damage from ice. The voice was my vampire friend, but far more powerful. After a series of brutal attacks, Claire succumbed to her injuries. I felt the sting of his massive blade, but still I stand. Orcs my ass! Sapphire healed Claire and so did Nova, so they took tremendous damage, but fell. We all were beaten and bruised. I feel the same in battle, but I tried to use my claws, however, I missed. There is so much to learn about who and what I am, regardless….I am Aleda Delaplane.

Rendor’s Adventure Logs
Our battle weary group was recovering in the inn after our clash with the undead. I’m still a little upset about the whole Aleda cloak trade thing. I mean. she gets to turn into a dang vampire and I have a lighting hammer living inside me. ugh I need a drink. anyway. We had rested a bit and we all felt like letting loose and hitting the town for some libations at the tavern and then planned to check things out in the square. I must’ve had a few too many drinks because everyone else seemed kind of spooked by some shadowy figures in the distance but I didn’t see a thing. There goes Aleda again using my, I mean, Her cloak. PSSSH! let’s raise a toast for Gunthar. “FOR GUNTHAR!” I shouted and took a swig of my flask. All of a sudden Aleda is telling us to prepare for a fight so I ready my Crossbow by feeding it a little blood. I should have kept that friggin’ cloak, ARGH!! Where was I? Oh yeah.. So from the area where these shadows were lurking, Aleda and I hear this deep guttural voice say something to the effect of, “Grab them, kill them, EAT THEM.” Whoooooa buddy. Slow down, nobody is eating me until after I have very carefully placed a crossbow bolt between that rat Lanford Louvet’s eyes. We’ve fought some monstrosities in the time since we left Lebanon but the hulking beasts, and one of them in particular, that emerged from the shadows were, well in a word, Evil! They didn’t seem natural but then at the same time they were familiar in some way to Claire but only slightly. Eyuraand better hope she ain’t affiliated with those things. I usually prefer to stick to just shooting my enemies but I might as well use the power I have to try and maximize my shots so I cast Hail of Thorns and take aim at the biggest ugly brute of the bunch. I connect but he seems genuinely unphased. I take a couple drinks of the flask but this a-hole decides to smack me with the biggest sword I have ever seen! It hurts, A lot.
I shake it off and ready my next attack while the rest of the group is doing their best to fight these clowns. Time for the old hammer of thunderbolts living inside me to earn it’s rent. “MJOLNIR” I shout and it materializes next to me just floating there all creepy like. I grab it and feel the power it hold surge through me. “KICK ASS!” I chuck it at the big guy and he side steps it. it disappears and next thing I know it’s right back next to me again. Ok, that’s pretty cool. Aleda can keep the cloak! As I am caught up in awe of the coolest weapon anyone in our illustrious party has ever seen, Claire takes a massive hit and crumples. She goes down harder than she went down on Eyuraand. Next attack I throw the hammer and this time it connects. the thunderclap was deafening and I might have accidentally stunned a couple of the good guys. Sorry Sapphire and Alezar. next round of drinks are on me! Everyone shakes it off and we whittle the ugly jerks down until all that is left of them are piles of armor, weapons, and lots of ash. I scooped up some of the ash in a phial because you never know what an alchemist might be able to tell us about the cremains. Now I know I am getting too sober. We decide to head back into the tavern after a bunch of town guards mistakenly tried to take us into custody. they ran off after we very politely told them to SCRAM. Back inside all the patrons were acting weird and even the barkeep and barmaid were nervous. They finally took our orders and some weird guy named Edgar Hinkleberg sat down to chat with us about rumors of the mainland falling to evil and darkness. We need to get back there and soon! Anyway, tomorrow at noon we’re to meet him in front of the Inn to see how we might be able to do just that, but for tonight, tonight we DRINK!

Claire’s Adventure Logs
After our battle with he undead, we chose to rest and recover at the inn. The rest of the party decided to go and drink to relax and I thought it would be a good time to get some private time with Eyuraand. Dazhbog knows getting time alone during this quest has been hard. Letting the others go for their drinks, I encouraged Eyuraand to go on a walk in the town to see the sights. Hearing the sounds of merry making near the square, we walked hand in hand browsing the stalls in the area. As Eyuraand was busy looking at the item in the stalls I began to notice at the edges of my vision shadows lurking about and that gave me my first impressions of what was to come. I spotted the rest of the party seated at a table in the square enjoying their drinks and I mentioned to Eyuraand that I was still feeling these shadows in the crowd. In a flash I had a vision of a fiery comet coming down at the square. I swear I could feel the heat of the comet and was sure of the incoming destruction. Eyuraand tried to calm me trying to reassure me it was just post battle feelings while he used his magic to try and detect what it was I was feeling in the area. It was then when I noticed Aleda’s tension and her change in demeanor, just before hearing the guttural shouts of orcs “Grab them, kill them, eat them!” I quickly warned Eyuraand of the incoming attack and began to prepare for battle. So much for some private time with a loved one. At this point I hear a voice in my head I did not recognize that came with such a feeling of dread and terror. This fear gripped me so tightly I could not move or respond to the battle I know ragged around me. Of the battle itself I can only remember horrible fragments and pain as one of the brutes struck me down for what I was sure would be my last. After healing from Sapphire I was able to get to my feet once again, but I feel the scars from this battle will take longer to heal.

Eyuraand’s Adventure Logs
All these battles we have weathered and the losses we have seen, Beimaer and others such as dear Gunthar always make me remember the importance of our crew and clan. One should always look after the wellness of the clan. So after our most recent battle when many decided to go and relax with some drinks, Claire expressed an interest in getting away from the group for a spell, I admit I felt a growing hunger at the thought of some time with Claire. “Perhaps some of the trinkets, snacks and oils from the local stalls could get Claire in one of her moods?” i chuckled to myself and agreed to walk about the town. Farther and farther from my mind were thoughts of battle as I began to plan the possibilities of the night and if there was another room at the inn one could rent for a little more fun for me and Claire. Looking back at this, I made the biggest mistake one can, just like one should not turn your back on the sea lest the sea crest over your ship, the evening events crested over me and I almost lost my Claire. So focused was I on the stalls, it took a moment to realize what was happening until I heard Claire cry out in shock as she experienced some kind of vision. As she tried to explain to me what was happening she warned me of shadows in the crowd surrounding us. As I did not see any movement, I comforted Claire and I drew upon my magic to see if there was something hidden in the shadows stalking us. A sensation of fire hit my eyes as soon as my magic engaged, the shock of this throwing me off as I heard in the distance guttural shouts of somethings large and numerous. With the coming of these creatures similar in appearance to Claire, another effect had Claire crumple to the ground clutching her head. My distraction and growing panic at Claire’s situation made my magic ineffective in helping all of us with this assault. But seeing this large beast teleport across the square to appear before Claire and strike her down caused such frustration, fear and rage to flood my being. Focusing my dragon ancestors power through my veins and lashed out with this lightning fully intending on choking the life from this creature with it. Great satisfaction did I have upon seeing the third of our attackers turn to ash as my lighting rippled across his ugly face. The heals from Sapphire just reinforce the importance of our bonds together, bringing my Claire back into my arms.

Nova’s Adventure Logs
It is dusk in the town of Torngat and the streets are fully alive with dancing, music, and drinking. I am tempted to join in, but something catches my eye in the distance. We all notice large beings shifting around in the darkness but aren’t quite sure what they are and if they’re friend or foe. Aleda is able to discern that they are some type of Orc and that they are going to attack. The party readies their spells and weapons for battle. Three massive creatures emerge from the shadows as the townsfolk scatter and disappear from sight. We begin attacking and they retaliate, dealing large amounts of damage. Aleda summons her Djinn to come to our aid and Rendor uses his Hammer of Thunderbolts. After one of the smaller creatures spontaneously combusts, the larger one leaps into the air, swings it’s sword at the party, knocking Claire unconscious. I use a potion of Superior Healing to awaken and cure Claire. Aleda’s Djinn lays massive damage to one of the remaining creatures, while Eyuraand shoots lightning at the large one, incinerating him in Claire’s honor. The last remaining creature attempts to attack Sapphire and myself. Rendor comes to assist us, riddling it with crossbow bolts, finally reducing it to ash. Our party carefully inspects the remains, but only finds piles of large metal armor that will be of no use to us. After giving up on the possibility of loot, we return to the tavern to indulge in some spirits. Most of the townsfolk still seem wary of us and keep their distance, but the barkeep and a few tavern patrons engage us in conversation. They talk of the ports being shut down, presumably because of the creatures we just encountered. As we enjoy our ales, a man with shifty eyes and a grin approaches and tells us to meet him the next day at noon in front of the inn. I watch him walk away and can’t help but wonder what awaits us in front of the inn tomorrow.

Session #54

Dungeon Master Notes
The party meets Edgar Hinkleberg outside the inn. He describes a guild, or group of individuals who call themselves The Investors, led by something called the “Cultured Three.” As he goes off to talk to his association, the party is met by a very tall, lengthy man, who’s adorned in sun-bleached robes that are very fanciful. He was very loud and charismatic, and seemed to not have a care in the world. He also seemed to have a negative interaction with Rendor, however, he then bestowed upon Rendor gems that he fashioned onto Rendor’s beloved crossbow. As he continued to talk and discuss nonsense with the party, some of them noticed that He was wearing some type of magical disguise. He went by the name, Damon “The Lich Head” Lamore, and that gave the party great concern, until Claire saw herself in him and helped cure him of his curse. But little did she know, that it would bring forth a great evil, and a fight for their lives.
Upon healing the main, who was, in fact himself a half-orc, Claire’s hand began to turn to charcoal. This sent pain throughout her body, and again brought forth the disgust she had of her past life, before she met her love, Eyuraand, and the rest of the group. At this, Damon regained consciousness and warned them of the dreaded Fire Lord, and the Great General Bakgorgek and his imminent arrival. This drove Claire to be paralyzed with fear, and the party took her back to the inn. As they tried to comfort her, they heard a menacing voice from the main courtyard by the gallows, “Come out, I know you are here, for today will be your last!” As the party exited the inn, they saw a towering figure of unknown make flanked by two corrupted gnolls that seemed to seethe pure corruption. The evil that these beings exuded, was exponentially greater than the giant orc-like beings from the night before.
The battle seemed to go on for hours, and many of the party came close to losing their lives, however, upon a turning point in the battle, Claire appeared in the sky, eyes glowing a brilliant emerald green as the winds around her seemed to lift her up. She surged with great power and the strength of the wind was sent forth from her hands, killing the two gnolls, turning them into ash. The large beast, Doblic, the Troll War Champion fled through a portal, but to where, they do not know. As claire landed her energy was drained once more and the party was met by Edgar again. This time, however, he had brought a friend, who still remains to be unknown. These men knew of Aleda’s gift or affliction, depending on your stance of the matter. They also knew of greater details that seem to be happening around the realm, and warned of a great Lich that would destroy ships in the Haifu Straight along with a massive sea creature that was under his control. Edgar’s acquaintance mentioned that the town has been overrun by some force, and that not all is as it seems. Once they threw their knowledge around arrogantly, the party inquired about this Doblic character and Bakgordek, and this sends fear to cover the two men’s faces. They quickly retreat and tell the party they may find themselves in the presence of the “Cultured Three” on the ‘Morrow.
The party then retires to the inn to check on Claire who tells her story, or at least just a part, as she seems to be too mentally and emotionally weakened to tell the whole. the party then retires to the bar, where they immediately hear Eyuraand and Claire “comfort” each other upstairs, while a crowd seems to cheer on Rendor in a solo drinking contest. The party Enjoyed the crowd while Aleda looked for an evening of pleasure. As she scanned the crowd, an aetherial, yet familiar face, drew her to an alleyway where her old vampire friend, Liliana, gave her closure spiritually, for her spirit was nomore for the cloak absorbed her, giving Aleda her comforting strength. The party awaits their meeting with Edgar, his acquaintance, and the so called “Cultured Three.”

Brewmaster’s Adventure Logs
After drinking the day away, or so it seemed, we set out to take in the festivities going on in Torngat. The guards don’t seem all they could be. We got a sense of something lurking in the shadows. Aleda, being a vampire being a vampire got a sense of something more. “They want to kill us…. they want to eat us!!!” is how she put it I think. The guards turned tail and took off and left us to ourselves. We prevailed from what was three to four giant orcish creatures. We really know how to step in in most times. Heh! This dwarf’s arse was put to the limit once again!! The brew tasted amazing after tonight. We talked to some towns folk…. Hinkleburg or something like that was the name of one of them. We will talk with him more tomorrow.

Claire’s Adventure Logs
We met a strange half-elf man named Edgar. He seemed very odd, and he gave me a very off-putting vibe. He talked about some type of group of people, nothing really that concerned me. As we decided to walk the town, we soon came across this very weird fellow by the name of Damon Lamore. He said he was also called “The Lich Head,” and I found that unnerving. Upon looking at him, however, I saw my people. He was under some type of curse that distorted his true self. It was similar to the spell I had on myself before I met my love, but this magik was dark and corrupt. I did my best to heal him, but the bastard lord, Dazhbog took his due once again. I hate him…HATE him! This so called god is nothing but a blight on this land, and I’m so sad to say that he is why I am here. We help Damon recover, but then he tells us the Dazhbog is real and he’s coming, but not only him….but Bakgordek…The ShadowOrc High King. C..c…c…can it be?! He can’t be coming here?! What will we do?! We can’t defeat him….
I come to in the inn, with my friends around me. I must have passed out or something. My love, by my side. He’s such a special Dragonborn. Most of the dragonborn I’ve come into contact with were very cold and arrogant, but Eyuraand is different. That’s when I hear it, the Troll War Champion, Doblic. I tremble in fear as my friends go out to meet him. They must be careful, as he is a terrible foe, and not one to take lightly. He can summon hoards of gnolls, as if they grew from the ground like grass in a field.
I hear my friends in pain and agony…why….WHY?! I HATE you Dazhbog, I HATE you so much! You’re evil and I want nothing to do with you! I renounce you! I rebuke your hold over me! I am no longer a follower of you, and you have no claim on my soul!
That’s when it happened…a soft calm and serene voice filled the room. A gentle breeze, then a torrential gale lifting me up. Power surged through me and I heard her again, the goddess Rudra, come to comfort me in my refusal of Dazhbog. I will worship her! For she has shown me love and comfort, even more than Dazhbog ever had, even in the mere moments it’s been. Use me my Lady, for I am yours!
A flash of light and I’m high above the city! All things are in a hue of green, and the winds are carrying me through the city towards my beloved friends. Power surges through me and i let it loose on the gnolls, crushing them, sending them back to the ash and dust at which they were made. Doblic seems collected, yet he flees, as this would have been his end, and Rudra set me down to once more be comforted by my love. We regroup inside the inn once more and I divulge part of my past. I tell my party how I was born of a human mother, and a shadoworc father, then I was forced to eat my mother and train in war to destroy the forces of Adonai. My whole life I have killed and destroyed. And there’s so many more like me. I’m so blessed to be free of that life, and that I’ve found this group of adventurers that truly care for me as well.
The party leaves for drinks and succor, while Eyuraand stays behind to comfort me. Little does he know…I’m going to be comforting him, and I know EXACTLY what he likes. Get ready for the ride of your life my love, because tonight you will indulge yourself with all of me.

Aleda’s Adventure Logs
In torngat after a brutal fight with “orcs” while Rendor was drinking himself into the next day, I spotted my friend. I chased after her but she was gone. although I felt warm and loved as she revealed her name to me. Liliana. She may be all that I need beyond the party. I know she is dead but there may be a way to bring her back? I will give what it takes. With namaka’s blessing and liliana’s willingness, perhaps she can be restored to the beautiful vampire I know. if not, we will remain bound.
The general is coming to torngat and this may be our most brutal fight yet. I must confess this Edgar fellow I do not trust. he looked upon me and knew my secret; There is clearly more to him than meets the eye but I don’t have a good feeling about him or his “investors.”
Claire is now a very important member of the party and was fearful that we would kill her for her past. I can only speak for myself but I believe the party feels the same, She is a valuable member of the team who not only helps us, but can offer valuable insight into this mess.
We have clearly gained the attention of the opposition. They clearly want us dead. But that’s not an option! Oh well, fortune favors the bold, and we are resilient!

Sapphire’s Adventure Logs
I left the inn with the group to explore the town, and I’m unsure about Edgar approaching us. As he talks, I become more and more suspicious of him and what he isn’t telling the group. The weird morning continues as we come upon Lamor who doesn’t look human. I am eager to learn more about the fact that survivors from shipwrecks are disappearing once they get to town. The more we learn the faster we can safely get out of here and back to the mainland, I thought. As Lamor’s appearance starts to change I feel my hair start to stand up warning of potential danger. Startled by Clair’s sudden appearance I watch as Clair interacts with Lamor and suddenly uses a spell that chars her hand. As Clair explains her interaction with Lamor I am shocked to find out that the monsters the party fought the previous night were actually half orcs. Suddenly I hear, “It’s time to die!” and I sigh in exhaustion of monsters trying to kill us in this town. “Yggdrasil, please grant us protection.” I think as I prepares for another battle.
After the battle I whisper, “Yggdrasil, thank you for all of you protection!” Now I’m ready for some food and beer as I become rather annoyed when Edgar turns up again. I was highly amused that they already knew things they shouldn’t. After Edgar left, I decided that it’s time to rest and goes to get food and beer.

Rendor’s Adventure Logs
The sun climbed high into the sky as Edgar Hinkleberg approached our battle weary but somewhat rested party. He spoke to us about a group known as “The Cultured Three”. He seemed to believe that they would give us an audience and that they would be able to help us make our way across the open ocean to the main land. He talked of shipwrecks washing up on the shoreline of Torngat and how survivors were being taken away, never to be seen again. Collectively, we make our way through town as we attempt to head towards our destination.. a strange fellow with wild eyes catches our attention. Something about him seems off.. He introduces himself as “Damon ‘The Lich-Head’ Lamore”. I was feeling pretty parched so I took a swig from my flask of ale. I offered the man a drink and this crazy son of a whore spat it out. He’s just lucky I didn’t already have a bolt knocked or I would have placed a shot right between his eyes. Suddenly this guy shape shifts right in front of us.. he looks an awful lot like Claire… Claire started chanting something in orcish. next thing I know her hand has turned black. Sounds a bit like the clamp to me.. this next part happened kind of fast and I was still kind of hung over so forgive me.. Basically – 1/2 orc like Claire and Damon were bred for a single solitary purpose. To destroy the world of man. They would accomplish this by worming their way into human society by using illusory magicks to conceal their true nature. It was also revealed that these orc brutes we have been skirmishing with are known as Shadow Land orcs.. unironically from a place called “The Land of Shadows”.. I cannot say I am familiar with a place that fits this description.. Just when I thought things couldn’t get any weirder, Damon bursts into flames and shouts “The Great Fire Lord is real!! The Great General is coming!” Then Claire says “Bakgordek is coming..” and collapses. Eyuraand takes her to the inn to rest.
Confusion spreads throughout the party but before we have any time to process this new information we are faced with a couple of very large gnolls and something so ugly and horrific it nearly made me throw up last nights drinks all over my boots. As per usual we out fight our enemies but I will give them credit.. They packed quite a punch. As the fight continued to drag on, Claire suddenly burst back onto the scene but she was floating and was brimming with god like power.. she completely and utterly destroyed the gnolls.. The big ugly beast that remained opened some kind of portal and used it to escape.. this seems to be the enemies go to move.. portal in, get in a few hits, portal out and recover, and repeat. We’re going to have to address that.. The townspeople had scattered when the fighting began but Edgar Hinkleberg was close by.. He handed us a golden orb known as a Dynamo.. not that any of us know what the heck to do with it, but it looks really cool! With that I am going to have another drink but I will give praise to Yggdrasil for granting me the strength to fight against this unholy evil spreading across the lands.. And it is becoming ever more clear that is definitely spreading like a wildfire. “Hey barkeep!! Where’s my ale?!”

Session #55

Dungeon Master Notes
The party was recovering from an intense battle with Doblic, the Troll War Champion. Claire and Eyuraand were left back at the inn to find rest while the remaining members of the party managed to explore the city a little more. Aleda noticed a home that seemed a little out of the ordinary, and thus the party went to investigate. They soon discovered that their acquaintances Egon and Hodor Bardstone were gravely wounded and suffering from battle trauma as they described their story of Lebanon.
They went on to tell the party that a mysterious figure teleported Nilson Teel and them to a dark and foreboding land. The stench of death was heavy and seemed to drain their energy and a frightening beast attacked them. The mysterious figure kicked the two of them back through a portal and out into the city streets of Torngat. It seemed as if the two brothers had two months of missing time.
The party tried to help them as Hodor passed out from sheer terror of what had happened as Egon was wincing in pain from a grave wound, seeping a mysterious florescent ooze. The party comforted them and moved on to explore the city some more and to help find some answers.
They then found a row of guard barracks and a particular guard named Charles. He was a stocky man with a face whose contours were defined by hundreds of fights, wearing well worn plate armor that seemed to be a bit tight for his frame. He discussed with the party of the outcasts, speaking of Egon and Hodor, as the city seemed to treat them as enemies, for they appeared out of a portal, just as the creatures that have plagued the city as of late. The party, being as they helped the city multiple times fight off foes of immeasurable size and ferocity, urged for Charles to help their friends out. He said he would take the matter to his superiors and left the party in the streets.
The next barracks the party came to they found another guard, however, they were able to see that he had on a magical disguise. Then promptly attacked, and the commotion drew out Charles to aid them in their battle. Brewmaster, a little tipsy from the night before, lobbed a magic missile at Charles by mistake, and the party fought bravely. Nova secured the victory as she beheaded the creature, sending it’s head flying through the air! At once, a peel of thunder echoed throughout the streets and on top of a roof, a purple portal appeared! A large and menacing foe stepped out and caught the head and crushed it in it’s hand with ease, as if it were as fragile as an egg! He grinned and went back through the portal, not to be seen again.
The party, bewildered at the sight, stood in disbelief, then they were immediately praised by Charles. He offered them cheer and waved over another guard, a woman. He took off as she approached. As she moved towards the party, they noticed she stepped on the grass, however, the grass did not bend under her feet, as if she was weightless. Her skin was pale, yet full of color, and her hair was a bright strawberry blonde, almost red. She had intense green eyes, that seems to shimmer in the sunlight as if they were made of emerald. Her clothing was made of fine green linen of a make that none of them had seen before. Her armor on top, was polished silver with gold inlay, where the gold seemed to be fluid, moving in it’s channels coalescing on her breastplate in a pattern of the tree of life, representing Yggdrasil. She introduced herself as Lady Corrila Larenhale, one of the three great guardians of the Greatwood. She described how she was ancient and was tasked with protecting the Anlo Region and the other great guardians were on the mainland, one of them having been lost, along with the mythical Kingdom of Lemuria. She offered the party a finely made pouch of a mystical clover that heals afflictions and cures wounds. She then offered them the Torngat seal, a green cloth with red and yellow designs. She informed them of an evil that was encroaching on the city, and as the party described to her of their quest she gave up information of the past, prophecies, and the imminent dangers they, and the realm would be in, if they were to fail their quest. They thanked her for her time, and she bestowed upon them titles granted as they were now considered protectors of Torngat, and the realm!
The party soon returned to their dear friends, Egon and Hodor, and used some of the magical clovers to heal Egon’s wound, and it worked! The party then set off for the inn to inform Eyuraand and Claire of the late mornings events, and to move forward on their quest, as time seems to be short!

Aleda’s Adventure Logs
I shared my past with the party, told them my plans, and about Tannis. Surprisingly no one seemed angry that I am going to try and raise a vampire. Our love is so deep it physically hurts me to be away from her.
A soldier suffering greatly grabbed my cloak and I nearly killed him. I drew the aberrant destroyer and demanded he return my cloak forcefully, however, my cloak was released and drifted back to me gently surrounding me and covering the hilt of my re-sheathed sword as if to say, “We are ok.” It frightened me how quickly and violently I responded. we discovered that orcs had infiltrated the guards and we were given a sigil to identify us as defenders of the city and all true guards will have one as well. those who do not are imposters and we are authorized to kill them! we met a guardian of the great wood, an elven woman. Liliana made me ask the elven guard about bringing her back. That’s when the party saw me talk to my cloak for the first time. She touched us and saw my duality as both Aleda and Liliana and asked, “How this could be?!” I answered, “love.” She gave us some clovers that are like super healing potions and one repaired the horrible wound on the soldier that was injured. She told me that I must find a kingdom or a great city with a wise sage who may know how to bring Liliana back.

Sapphire’s Adventure Logs
I listened to Aleda describe what has happened to her. Her plans to bring Liliana back into this world seem reasonable especially since she has proved to be helpful.
While we explore the town for more information Aleda insists we investigate a suspicious building. Seeing Egon and Hodor, I am excited that members of our ship are still alive. They are in very bad shape and as I listen to their story of how they arrived in Torngat I understand why. “I wonder who the hooded man is who created a portal for them is?” she thinks to herself. When their story is finished I feel compelled to help them with their injuries and want to help solve their current mistreatment from the town.
I follow the party to find guards who can help Egon and Hodor where we run into a guard named Charles. He appears to take our friends’ plight more seriously once we explain what happen to them and that they are not enemies. I’m relieved that he agrees to help them. I mean we have killed many monsters that have attacked both the town and us with the guards not helping or flat out running away.
Speaking of guards I notice one looks like it may have a disguise and before I can fully process that information the guard attacks us. I’m completely shocked that guards actually show up to help us. “Yggdrasil please hear my prayer and keep us all safe” I mumble. We successfully defeat the monster and I’m ready to thank Yggdrasil when I see a portal open and feel a menacing presence. Hopefully the foe that just stepped out and disappears stays gone forever. With the battle is over I whisper “Thank you Yggdrasil for keeping everyone safe!”.
When I finally come to my full senses I notice a guard with shiny armor with gold inlay is a sign of Yggdrasil. She introduces herself as one of the three ancient guardians of great wood Lady Corrilia. Thank Yggdrasil for her giving us the mystical clover so that we can heal Egon and money for both of them to buy food and supplies. Back at the inn I think to myself as I sip on my ale “I hope we can leave Torngat soon!”

Rendor’s Adventure Logs
With Edgar Hinkleberg providing us with a newfound purpose and direction we set off through the town heading in the direction of a large windmill on the northern part of town. Brewmaster and I are trying to out drink each other and so far we’re both winning. As we continue moving north the mood amongst our party has lightened but something strange must’ve caught Aleda’s attention in a nearby building because I suddenly hear Aleda calling out “Come out come out” into a darkened doorway. Inside Nova noticed two familiar faces. Egon and Hodor Bardstone.. They were members of the town guard in Lebanon.. Normally, seeing old friends might have been a reason to celebrate but they appeared very out of sorts. In the midst of our trying to reacquaint ourselves with these old familiar faces we were beset by another “hidden” orc by the name of Henry. Posing as another member of the guard, his true identity was revealed and we put him down with extreme prejudice. It would seem that our old friends had arrived here some time ago but were not welcome with the same level of trust we had found when we entered (not that we were trusted much when we first arrived). A guardsman by the name of Charlie approached during our confrontation with the hidden orc and helped us to dispatch the foul creature. Whilst he did not seem trusting of our friends, I got a good feeling from him and I asked him if 1 piece of platinum would help to ensure our friends were treated better going forward. He pledged it would be so. In the doorway of the guards tower, Sapphire and I noticed a striking figure with bright silver armor with a gold inlay and the sigil of the tree of life seemingly moving across her armor. She was Lady Corrilia Larentale and revealed to us that she was one of the 3 ancient guardians of the greatwood! Praise Yggdrasil! This is an amazing moment… to be in the presence of one who communed directly with Yggdrasil himself (or so the legends go!).
She tells us the realm is in great peril and that ALL the gods are at risk. The Dark One awaits and she explained that Lilith and Borg – who were devout followers of Nidhogg and had been sealed away were once again threatening the realms. Whilst Nidhogg had been destroyed long ago, another of his followers, a great necromancer was trying to create a new vessel for Nidhogg to return using an ancient entity named Takhisis to create a new being “Faust”. This does not bode well for the world at large. She gives us a pair of green patches to bestow upon our friends Egon and Hodor so that they may be identified as True Knights of Torngat. Any and all who possess such a patch are to be considered allies. She also told us that only one other ancient protector remains but that it was rumored to be in the lost kingdom of Lemuria, which was largely considered to be a myth by most people in Alfheim.. but if what she says is true it truly exists. By Yggdrasil’s grace I believe that she is truly providing us with the knowledge we need to locate this ancient protector. Time will tell. She explains to us that the Cultured Three make use of an airship to travel to and from the mainland and that this may be our best bet to gain access to the main land. She also hands us a pouch of 4 leaf clovers which will aid us in the trials that lay before us. We return to Egon and Hodor and give them the patch, some money and give Egon one of the clovers in an attempt to cure him of his ailment. I pray to Yggdrasil as he consumes it and he is miraculously healed! They explain that they had been teleported to a realm of darkness and death but then suddenly found themselves here in Torngat. They recall that Lebanon was being overrun and then they only remember darkness.. Egon asked us to notify him if we return to Lebanon so he may rebuild it. With that we return to Eyuraand and Claire to apprise them of this new information… time for another drink!

Session #56

Dungeon Master Notes
As the party left Egon and Hodor to rest, they headed by towards the tavern for lunch and drinks. On their way, however, Nova spotted a familiar face from her past. A man of average height, half-elf, with striking features was walking through the crowd. “Ludovyn!” Nova shouted and immediately got his attention. They greeted each other and had a brief catch up, then Nova, blushing, turned to the party and introduced him to her friends. Upon discussing each others current paths without detail, Ludovyn joined the party at Nova’s behest. The party, with Ludovyn, sat in the tavern eating and drinking while they introduced themselves and got to know each other more intimately as their friendships and bonds were beginning to strengthen each and every day.
As they were conversing, Edagr Hinkleberg walked up and instructed the party that the “Investors,” better yet, the ‘Cultured Three’ were ready to make their acquaintance. The party soon took off on what would end up being quite an adventure!
Soon after Arriving, the party was met with skilled assassins and hulking constructs that guarded the Investors guildhall. Edgar made sure that they all knew the party was welcomed and invited. As they made their was through the secretive fraternity, they came to a grand library, full of books and old tomes. Upon be assured, no one else was in the room, Edgar activated a secret switch, opening a bookcase, which led to a third story secret room. This room was not a mere attic or storage room, however, it was a grand judicial chamber of sorts. In it were tables and chairs filled with finely dressed gentlemen. Along the walls were old maps and scrolls, framed to show off their value and scarcity. Large Chests and vaults, lined the walls, filled with coin and gems, gleaming in the sunlight that streamed in through the stain-glass windows that depicted some type of ancient secret initiation ritual of the fraternity. Assassins adorned the shadows to make sure the men that stood at the head of the room were secure from any harm that would try to befoul them.
“Hello our esteemed guests!” the man said who stood directly behind the desk. He seemed an elegant man, yet he had a deep scar that stretched across his throat. In his aura of royalty and authority, he adorned a crown made of woven gold and a heavy chain featuring a large black opal pendant. His clothing showed he had immense wealth and prestige. He looked as if, he could acquire anything he may want for.
The party looked cautiously at him and asked what he wanted. He offered what the party desired most; for an exchange, a favor. The party, bewildered, asked who he was and he flipped them a Nilson Teel coin made of an exotic metal and adorned in precious gemstones. “I am King Brachus, the esteemed guild master of The Investors and the Chosen Three.” He answered, reaching out his hand as the coin levitated back to his person. “What is it you want us to do?!” Brewmaster proclaimed. “Relax Thuldrum, for what I had for you is passage to the mainland.” He replied. The party looked around confused then asked him what it was he needed.
“Our friend, Lord Theron Sylvanranth. For he has been taken into a dark place on the southeast of Torngat. That place is vile, and all we have sent, have naught returned. So I ask you, for passage to the mainland, would you do this thing for us, for we know of your deeds in Torngat and we know you are highly capable?” The party talking amongst themselves agreed and replied “We’re on it!” Then swiftly left, for they knew they were on the path back into the vampire coven they were in just days before.
Upon reaching the coven, they were met with a less threatening host. A young girl appeared at the door, she looked but only of the age of about thirteen years old. She skipped around the party and in between them, happily humming to herself until she got to Aleda. Aleda pulled up her hood, transforming into her vampiric form and asked, “We come for our friend, Lord Theron. Can you please assist us in this?” The young girl bounced joyfully with a wild gleam in her eyes, “But why? What good is he to you?” she rebutted. The party described the need for acquire Lord Theron, for passage to the main land. The young girl looked wildly at Aleda and pulled her down to her level. She whispered in her ear and asked, “Will you take me with you?” Aleda acknowledged and the little girl skipped back towards the coven. “I’m Gabriel. Let us go get your friend.”
Upon entering They found the familiar scene of vampires feeding on thralls in the shadows, eyes fixated on the party as they passed through. Those that could see through the dark had a uneasy feeling about them, and those that could not were filled with dread. Floor by floor they climbed as Gabriel became more and more unhinged. As the party reached the doorway that led into a twilight realm, they stopped and asked what was going on on the other side of the doorway. She pulled a knife from out of her shirt and held it to her face with a mad smile stretching from ear to ear, “I wouldn’t go in there if I were you. The lot of you wouldn’t survive” She put the knife away and skipped up the stairs to the next floor. The party, looking baffled and uneasy, cautiously followed after her. They climbed the coven, floor after floor, for what seemed like hours, when they finally reached the top.
It was an attic room, about 10 feet tall and musty with dimly lit candle about the space. In the corner stood a black figure, that looked as if it was made of moat tar yet its chest was open front to back with a glowing red heart beating, filling the air with the frequency of his thud. Next to him stood a figure that reached the ceiling tall and boney with wings and horns. Gabriel walked up the the creature with wings and explained the party was here for THE man. It turned and garbled something the party couldn’t understand. “Come and get him!” it then shouted as it started to contort and fill the space. Immediately the room began to change and the ceiling began to rise. The creatures arms and legs began to swell with tenuous muscle and the wings became large and terrifying, each beat of them resounded like that of a whirlwind. Aleda shouted, “It’s one of the Vrykölask! Kill it!” As this was happening, Gabriel went invisible and the party could hear her footsteps on the wooden floor go behind them to the stairs. The battle ensued, but surprisingly was over swiftly. As Ludovyn dealt debilitating marital art attacks, the sound of Gabriel running across the floor could be heard. Her invisible wen away and she was running at Ludovyn, knife in hand. She used him as a launch pad and jumped off of his back digging her knife deep into the vampire lord extinguishing it’s life.
The fight was not over, for a bright purple light emitted from the creature chest cavity and a larger, more grotesque being portaled in from the chest of the vampire lord. It grabbed Gabriel and bit off her head. The party stood in disbelief and looked at the black creature with the beating heart. It soon started to transfrom into a man, and they assumed him to be Lord Theron. Aleda picked up and they made their way down the many floors of the coven until they reached the room with the door into Twilight. As Aleda ran by the doorway, some of the moonlight hit her skin and her bite marks began to pulsate an intense pain. Then Aleda dropped to the ground, her hand twisting and contorting, looking much like that of the vampire lord they just fought. A moment went by, and the surprising encounter subsided as Sapphire picked Theron back up, and the party rushed out the door, noticing the vampires huddle against the walls with looks of terror on their faces.
Once back a the Investors Guild they handed Lord Theron and were told they needed to wait two days for them to get what they needed out of Theron. Then, and only then, were they able to allow thee party passage on their coveted airship. The party, while leaving were asked by Aleda to go back into the coven to investigate the Twilight doorway. Uneasy and full of doubt, they agreed and followed behind her.
The site in the coven was much more different than they remember just earlier. The darkness that had overtaken the coven seemed to have lifted and most of the vampires seemed to be mad with fear, scratching at the walls to get away from Aleda and the light. They made their way to the Twilight Door room and devised a plan to make sure Aleda was safe. Aleda tied a knot around her waist and the party anchored themselves against the wall, securing she should be easily pulled back in, once she were to traverse the doorway. Upon walking through and becoming bathed in the moonlight, Aleda scream in agony as her form started to grow and contort. Her clothes ripped apart and fell to the floor and her screams became otherworldly howls. Aledas cloak lifted and caressed the vile looking creature as it stood up in the moonlight. It snatched the cloak, then let it go as the cloak hovered before it. A moment of silence fell onto the party as they looked on in amazement. The creature slowly returned to human form, however it was not Aleda that stood there. Rendor ran in, looking to protect Aleda only to find a naked woman he did not know. They made a small exchange and Rendor could tell the lcoak and the naked woman were having a telepathic conversation. At once, the woman reeled onto the floor and shouted out, then in a blink of an eye, Aleda returned the cloak covering her naked body.
The party, bewildered did not know what to do, so they went to the inn and rested. That night as the party slept each one got a nightmarish dream, except for Rendor and Aleda, for they merely recited the days events, for they brought with them a myriad of trauma. Upon the next at the Tavern they sat in silence waiting for the time for they longed to leave the Anlo Region. Edgar approach with a ticket and said to tear it when ready and you would be teleported to the docks. The party sat and gathered provisions for their trip. When they were ready they tore their ticket and, like Edgar promised, they transported to the docks.
The site they beheld when they arrived was full or flesh and blood. Body parts were strewn all over the docks and surrounding beach. They saw the bodies of Edgar and King Brachus laying torn apart with chuncks of flesh eaten from their bones. On the docks stood a menacing behemoth standing over twenty feet tall. “Bakgordek!” Claire shouted fending off a frenzy of fear. The battle begun swiftly as each member barraged him with attacks. Bakgordek laughed as each attack landed and shouted to his Dark Lord in an ancient tongue. As he did so, a thick black fog emanated the entire area inflicting massive amounts of necrotic damage to everyone. As the party labored with each devastating attack, Bakgordek seemed to be entertained at their pathetic attempt to bring him down. A flash of florescent light broke the battle scene and another creature wielding magic unknown stepped through. Stepping through his portal beside him was Lanford Louvet. He gave the party a dire warning and the fluorescent magic bolted to Bakgordek pulling him into the portal stealing away the days enemy.
The party, badly wounded and let bewildered of what just happened made their way onto the airship with Eyuraand and Aleda praying fervently to NAmaka for safe passage and succor.

Aleda’s Adventure Logs
Liliana was right; Aleda is part Psiilyk, an original vampire. Their love grows stronger daily. Nova and Aleda shared the moment and Aleda apologized for the heartless murder of Nova’s family when she and the crew of the Celestra attacked the ship her family was on. The party found the lord who was taken by the vampires, killed an original vampire, and discovered a bridge into the twilight realm. We returned the lord to the Cultured Three and Aleda returned to the bridge. She tied a rope to her waist and crossed into the bridge. Psiilyk emerged from Aleda and Liliana knew that her Aleda was her true love. They saw that the moon of Boreas was shattering and in the process of escaping, the party pulled Aleda back into the correct realm after Psiilyk asked Liliana if she could eat rendor. Liliana, in cloak form, said, “No!”
We returned to the Cultured Three to find their building in flames and our contacts dead at the hands of Bakgordek.
We introduced ourselves but he knew who we were. We fought for a while. Lanford Louvet and another creature, who’s name we do not know, showed up and demanded that Bakgordek stopped playing around and meet with their boss, only then to depart. We found the key to the airship and I guess I am the captain of getting us to the mainland. I have a slip of parchment and all I must do is name the Kingdom we have arrived in and it will give me the name of a sage to tell me how to raise Liliana.

Rendor’s Adventure Logs
As we head back to the inn and met up with Eyuraand and Claire we ran into an old friend of Nova’s, Ludovyn. Turns out they grew up together. We all made introductions and Ludovyn seems like an alright sort, so to celebrate our new ally I buy the party a whole boar and drinks because we have worked up quite the appetite. At the flash of my coin, the bar maid shows me a little extra attention. She seems nice enough but she smells about as good as the bottom of my boots so I shoo her away. Maybe after a few drinks… Anyway…. Everyone is enjoying the delicious boar and cold drinks when Edgar Hinkleberg shows up to let us know that The Investors, and more importantly, The Cultured Three will give us an audience. We follow him through the city to a point far to the north east of the city. The towns people look at us with a mix of fear and awe but they don’t dare look for more than a moment. As we arrive at our destination we are greeted by a dangerous looking assortment of individuals but upon Edgar’s word that we are welcome guests, they don’t even give us a second look. We make our way through several rooms filled with all sorts of wondrous items. If only we had more time, the interesting things we might be able to discover. We enter a room that seems to be a dead end but a moment later Edgar flips some kind of switch and we are entering a very exquisitely decorated room with an assortment of well dressed individuals. The regally dressed gentleman that addressed us introduced himself as King Brachus, the leader of the Investors and Cultured Three. He described having a need for adventurers with our skill set and that he could help us with the problem of getting across the seas to the main land via Airship. Out the window we could see it. It was glorious and certainly not something one sees everyday. Whatever it is they want, I am already in. I am tired of this island. Whatever we need to do to get out of here, I am in!
He wants us to go retrieve a fellow by the name of Lord Theron Sylvanranth from the very same den of vampires and undead we almost didn’t survive not a few days ago. Absolutely not. count me out. No no. we need that airship like I need a drink, so I take an unnecessarily large swig of my flask and nod in agreement with the rest of the party as we head out the doors to the building we so lovingly dubbed “The Red Roof Inn”. Our target is a Tall pale half-elf with hooves for feet. He shouldn’t be too hard to find. He is dressed in fine robes of a dark green, almost black material. As we arrive at the dreaded den of the undead, we are once again greeted by the animated suits of armor with their flaming blades. Just as we are preparing to fight our way in. the strangest thing happened. a raven haired young girl of maybe thirteen years old appeared from behind the armors and began to circle around our group. She was asking us what we were there for and what we wanted so we told her we sought our Lord Theron Sylvanranth. Her demeanor changed slightly and her already wide eyes widened further, “Why do you want him?” We told her we needed him to gain access to the main land and she seemed incredibly excited and asked us to take her with us if she helped us. Her name was Gabriel and she seemed like she was a wee bit crazy to me. We reluctantly agreed and she turned and told us to follow her as the armors retreated and the flames on their blades were doused. We entered the building and the same creatures that were on the edges of the room were still there, still feeding but almost imperceptible due to an eerily unnatural darkness that hung on the perimeter of the room. Our guide hurried up the stairs ahead of us and we were quick to follow because, well, this place gives us all the creeps, except for maybe Aleda. but we all know why. That cloak seemingly has a mind of it’s own. anyway, We come to a room with a strange doorway.
The doorway seemingly opened into a realm of vast darkness illuminated by a massive and unusually bright moon. As Aleda approached the doorway, something strange seemed to overcome her but we quickly made our way up and up to keep pace with Gabriel. We reach a room where a bunch of what I can only guess are high ranking vampires of some sort are speaking languages we could not understand and strange runes seemed to material from their lips. We did not linger there long for our business was still higher up. We finally reach the attic of this house of horrors where we see 2 distinctly different creatures. One was crammed into the 10 foot tall room and seemed to not have enough room to move around while the other appeared to be a black mist with a hole in the center with a beating heart exposed. the lower half were the legs of a goat. Lord Theron!! We try to talk with the enormous beast and he says something we couldn’t understand and then began to laugh and said “COME GET HIM!” Aleda recognized this monster as one of the original sixteen vampire lords and as he stood up, his old decrepit form seemed to change as his muscles expanded and the room seemed to stretch with him. Surprisingly, we whittle him down with ease and Gabriel came running in and used Ludovyn as a sort of springboard to shove her knife into the vampire lords neck and killed him. As he died a portal opened up inside him and two massive hand appeared and then a large monstrous head. it grabbed Gabriel and bit her head clean off before portaling away. Lord Theron transformed back into his normal form but slumped into a almost lifeless pile on the floor. Aleda picked him up and we headed back downstairs. All of the undead creatures in the building no longer seemed frightening. instead they appeared to be frightened of us and were trying to escape the building. As we neared the strange twilight door we noticed the moon had vanished.
Aleda approached the door and then fell to the floor. Her cloak floated up and lifted her up. We picked up Lord Theron and continued our exit from the building and headed back to The Investors to speak with King Brachus. We present him with the target. He appeared to be pleased but not surprised that we were successful. He gives us a small piece of cloth he called a ticket and told us they will need two nights to prepare. Once ready we only need to tear the ticket and we will be teleported to the beach to board the airship. Aleda expressed a desire to go re-examine the twilight door. We all agreed to accompany her and a plan was devised to make sure she was not lost to us. We approach the door and tie the rope around Aleda’s waist and we all take hold of it. Aleda enters the doorway and began to scream. Her form contorted and changed into that of the being we slayed in the attic of the building earlier that day. The cloak floated up and began to almost caress the vile looking creature. I got a strange feeling and I dropped the rope and rushed headlong into the doorway. I tripped and fell flat on my face but when I came to. Instead of the vile creature. I now saw a human woman. completely naked and glistening in the eerie light. I couldn’t help but get the feeling that she wanted to eat me but thankfully she did not. We quickly left the twilight realm. We gathered up the tattered belongings and helped Aleda out of the building. Aleda talked of Boreas, God of Twilight and how he would not be held for much longer. That night I didn’t sleep much. From the sounds of my friends, it seemed as though many of their dreams were not pleasant. In the morning we were surprised by a delicious breakfast prepared for us by Ludovyn. The mood was somber but we all ate happily. We finished eating our meal and headed towards The Cultured Three. Black smoke billowed from the building as we tore our ticket and were teleported to the beach.
Flesh. blood. Smoke. Death. This is what awaited us on the beach front. King Brachus, our assumed pilot, and Edgar Hinkleberg were laying dead on the beach with chunks missing from their bodies. A hulking beast almost twenty feet tall stood before us and spoke in orcish. Aleda and I shared a glance and revealed to the party that this was Bakgordek! We did not hesitate to launch an all out attack against our foe. Each blow seemed to do nothing to harm the beast. He was toying with us. He conjured a black death fog around some of our party and it caused significant harm to those affected. We continued to fight when another portal opened up and to my dismay, Lanford Louvet stepped through. He seemingly gave us a warning glance and shouted “The Dark One summons us!” As soon as he appeared he and Bakgordek portaled away. This fight would have to be fought another day. A wooden key was found of the body of King Brachus. it was determined that it was the key to the airship. We set our destination as the kingdom of Dan and trusted that Aleda and Eyuraand would be able to pilot us safely to our destination. We were tired, we were wounded, but most importantly, we were on the move. Who knows what awaits us on the main land? I take another drink of ale from my flask and look out over the ocean as we ascend further into the afternoon sky.

Sapphire’s Adventure Logs
While on our way to the tavern for lunch I hear Nova shout. Curious about Nova talking to the stranger, who’s name is Ludovyn, I listen in on their conversation about how Nova and Ludovyn had grown up together. As I eat my food and drink my ale I study Nova’s friend. While figuring out is Ludovyn is going to join the group we are interrupted by Edgar Hinkleberg telling us that it was time to meet the Cultured Three. I guess I’ll just have to trust Nova’s judgment with her friend. Time will tell if he is trustworthy or not. I think to myself.
Upon seeing the airship my eyes widened in shock and awe. It looked like a sea ship but not at the same time. I was so busy figuring out the airship that I didn’t even notice the assassins until they were right in front of me. Thankfully this time the assassins were on our side. Once we were all inside a secure secret room, we were met by a man who looked as if he were a noble. Tossing us a Nilson Teel coin he introduced himself as King Brachus, the esteemed guild master of The Investors and the Chosen Three. Still feeling a bit uneasy I listen to his request for a favor, “What is it you want us to do?!” Brewmaster proclaimed. “Relax Thuldrum, for what I had for you is passage to the mainland.” He replied. I turned my head to stare at Brewmaster along with the rest of the party confused at the new name being spoken. I quickly brush off the confusion. If Brewmaster had another name and hadn’t told us about it there was a reason. He had proven to be trustworthy and loyal in battle and that is all I need to know. Right now I need to focus on helping us gain use of the airship so we can continue our quest to find the child of light. Apparently this means finding someone named Lord Theron Sylvanranth who has been kidnapped by the vampires. Despite the place being creepy, it’s reassuring to have Aleda and Liliana are here since they have proven to be a powerful team.
When they reached the attic and were attacked by a monster. During our fight I watched as Ludovyn joined in to help kill the creature after only just joining the party. I sighed with relief that the battle was over. As the being died Theron was suddenly in front of them. Yggdrasil thank you for your protection, I think. On our way downstairs I’m shocked as Aleda seems to suddenly be in pain by the Twilight door. I help pick Theron up so that Aleda can compose herself once the pain subsided. We all return Theron to the guild master and are told we have to wait 2 days for the preparations to be completed.
As I was trying to figure out what I would need to prepare in the next two days Alada suddenly announced that she needed to go back to the Twilight Room in the vampire den. My first instinct is to say “no” but she looked as if it was something she HAD to do. It wouldn’t be safe to let her go back on her own so I agree to join her and the others. Thankfully the vampires seem to be scared of us now and don’t cause any problems as we make our way to the room. While helping to tie rope around Alada I think “Yggdrasil please protect Alada and all of us!”. It’s all I can do while we ait for Alada to return. Thankfully she did return safely all be it not quit looking herself.
After such a long and exhausting day it is nice to be back at the inn resting. But Sapphire didn’t fully rest because her dream turned into a nightmare of a black figure. Scared of the black figure in my dream, I instinctively whisper Yggdrasil’s name in Druidic while still sleeping. Vines come out to help me and save me. I awake with a start and say “Thank you for your protection Yggdrasil” before getting out of bed. At breakfast I was lost in thought about the dream. Everyone else was quiet as well. After a while we began to discuss what happened to us while we were sleeping. Rendor discusses his past a bit and that we may run into his family when we get to Dan. Nova mentions dreaming about loosing her family to a pirate attack at sea and how all the sadness is coming back. As we’re talking Edgar interrupts us and hands us our tickets to the airship because it is ready early. When we get there I’m immediately hit with the smell of blood. The airship crew along with Edgar and King Brachus were dead. Before I can process what is happening I hear Claire yell “Bakgordek”. Instinctively I start to attack him with the rest of the party.
Suddenly another creature appears. Scared we may have another creature to fight on top of barley damaging Bakgordek I’m relived to see Lanford Louvet. He effortlessly seals Bakgordeks portal. After taking a moment to process what happened I run onto the airship with the others so that we can finally leave Torngat. Once inside the airship I say in Draconic “Yggdrasi thank you for your continued protection. I greatly appreciate it!”

Session #57

Dungeon Master Notes
Our party finds themselves on an airship, a thing of legend and mystery. Although Aleda and Eyuraand are familiar with sailing the high seas, this was a first for them and they worked tirelessly together to keep the ship in the air and steady as they made their way across the Haifu Straight. As the hours past the rest of the party gradually spread out throughout the ship to explore. Rendor found a hidden shelf with what looked like old bottles of mead and ale. Upon trying to decipher the cryptic runes on the labels, Rendor took a bottle, popped the cork and tried to partake in a taste of the expected mead. To his surprise, instead of the expected brew, there was a black ooze that dripped out. It made contact with his skin and he threw the bottle in the air. Sapphire caught the bottle and before she could react any further, the ooze made its way out of the bottle and started making its way towards Rendor scaring him, knocking him back off of his feet. The ooze made its way onto his boots then slimed its way up his pants legs and onto his chest. As Rendor ripped his shirt open, the outline of his hammer of thunder tattoo was filled in with the ooz, giving off the illusion that he had a black void in the chest. At once, in shock and awe, an eye appeared in the blackness on his chest and Rendor went into a panic. As he stared to freak out, the hammer appeared next to him, but unlike before in Torngat, now the hammer was covered in eyes and seemed to take on the shape of a great sword as he thought about it. He discovered the creature didn’t seem predatory or to be a threat, so he calmed his nerves as the rest of the party stood around looking dumbfounded at him.
This is when Aleda and Eyuraand screamed for the party to come onto the deck. As they did, Aleda pointed out in front of them. They beheld a mass of black clouds and lightning of various colors in front of them. The storm seemed to stretch out in all direction like a flowing and tumultuous wall of mystery and death. They tried to climb higher to see if they could sail above, but that proved futile as the higher they went, altitude sickness started to set in. As they leveled out and halted in front of the storm about one hundred yards, they tried to think of a solution to make it through, and that’s when three monstrous dragons flew out of the clouds and landed on the ship. An undead black dragon, a young silver dragon, and an adult green dragon now imposed a dreadful sight with no way out. The battle would siege on, and the party took blow after blow. Sapphire used her canteen of endless water and surrounded the green dragons head with it and then froze it, trapping it in a five foot block of ice. By this time the other two dragons were dead and thought the ice proved to give the party the upper hand, blow by blow, the dragon started to crack and break the ice. That’s when an ear piercing screech filled the skies and the likeness of a whirlwind filled the air. Following the whirlwind was the beating of the air as massive wings moved the air like that of the roar of white water rapids in a raging torrent. Qin, the guardian of the South, the very same one they faced in the Navel, that terrible mountain of fire and earth appeared and attacked the dragon. It bit off the head and screech again, piercing the ears of those that witnessed the power of the creature.
That’s when it happened, a roar so loud and otherworldly that the realm resonated with a dreadful sense of doom. As they looked at the storm, a creature of immense sized, ethereal, and terrifying could be seen soaring within the clouds. As it flew out towards them, the clouds continued to surround it, concealing it in darkness. This is when Win let out a cry and the heavens opened, revealing the cosmos above. At once, some of the luminaries deep within the Aether began to glow, vibrant colors as if they were precious gems, pure, and enlightening. As they pulsated their specific colors and hues, beams of the same color of each, shot down to the realm and pierced the clouds from above. The must have cause the shadowy creature discomfort as it took off to the west, taking the clouds of death and destruction with them. Qin, before flying away, told the party to go out and find the other guardians, for death awaits, and their journey it far from being over.
They landed the airship in a meadow in a dense woodland outside the Kingdom of Dan, a human kingdom filled with magic and intrigue. The group found a slot in the wheel of the airship that the magical coin fit in, and the ship magically transformed down just to the coin, where Sapphire hid it for future use. The party then made their way towards Dan.

Aleda’s Adventure Logs
Eyuraand and myself captained and flew the airship from torngat to the kingdom of dan. We were attacked by dragons after rendor did something involving a drink that caused him to grow an eye in his chest. He seemed happy, but also mildly freaked out. The fight was not going well for us in the beginning. I got frightened by an undead black dragon. I have never been so ashamed of myself, but I just couldn’t shake it. I summoned the djinn and raised my cloak. I attempted to bite the green dragon but missed; I was going to try feeding if i were successful. I did tear a massive chunk of flesh from the beasts neck, however, vampire claws are amazing. We discovered that creating a cube of water around a dragons head and freezing it works wonders, thanks Sapphire for that little trick. While we spent much healing magic, we did endure the attack. By magics beyond my understanding the ship collapsed into a coin and that coin is in the bag of holding. We did reach the Kingdom of Dan, i rather bluntly informed the party that MY mission was still extremely important getting to the sage and raising my love was priority one for me, as I can not be at my best without her. First thing after we rest and clean up, i will write the name of the kingdom on the parchment and find the sage who can tell me how to raise my love. My cloak hugs me tight and i cuddle it at night, but by Namaka’s grace, I will hold Liliana in my arms and not just a cloak.

Sapphire’s Adventure Logs
Not sure about being on an airship vs a boat. Misses her lake Sapphire shouts up from the deck below Rendor that she can purify the mead before he drinks it She hears Rendor shot “I need an adult” and immediately knows that he’s trying to drink it and rolls her eyes “better get up there before he kills himself” she thinks (an hour after on the boat) Sapphire is ewing because the ooze with eyes is leaking out on her “Yggdrasil what on earth (well air) is that!” Watches as the ooze crawls up Rendors leg in shock Slightly panics as Rendor screams and he says he hears buzzing Do NOT like the static feeling in her hair and buzzing in her ears As Clair and Brew ran to the walls to discharge the electricity An eye shows up on Rendors chest looking around Clair casts bless, Sapph casts healing spirt, Rendor call his hammer Rendors hammer is covered in the ooze and eyes. It responds to Rendor talking to it Watches as the ooze turns the his hammer into My nature check reveals that the ooze isn’t an animal that she knows Rendor doesn’t feel that it’s dangerous to him and Clair’s reading aggress with that Sapph purifies all of the food and drinks After the ordeal she mumbles “Thank youYggdrasil!” Sapph looks at her arm and sighs as her arm is a matted mess from the ooze benign on it. She says out loud as she sighs “this is going to take forever to clean!” Annoyed at being called up to the top deck as she’s cleaning her arm “What’s going on? I was busy cleaning my……Oh” her eyes widen as she sees the abnormal dark clouds She offers to use gust to help climb above the storm Pass out with no air (high altitude) Woke up down the stairs confused as to how she got there Loves that the ooze turns Rendor’s hammer into a cannon As we go into the cloud with a mysterious creature Sapph adds gust to the sails to help speed the ship through the storm “Yggdrasil please protect us!” Sapphire shouts Before she can speak to try to make pease the dragons that landed attack Add thoughts about fighting 3 dragons Sapphire notices the green dragon looking like it’s charging an attack to breath on them. When the green dragon lands near them she sends up a message to Yggdrasil “Please forgive me for this but we need to survive this dragon. And it would be nice to have some fresh meat on this air ship.” She gets out the Decanter of Endless Water and uses shape water to put a cube around it’s face and froze it. Quin familiar bird spirt comes to help and grabs green dragon and eats it Sapphire is happy for Quin’s help but disappointed that he ate it and they don’t dragon meat to eat or the hide/scales for armor as well as other parts to use or sell Quin called out to the other guardians to help defeat the enemy. She says “thank you for your help but did you have to eat it?” “Yggdrasil thank you for your protection!” she says Sapphire chews the dragon meat still left in her mouth and tells Aleda that she can use her gust to help. The Neilosn coin starts vibrating “Umm…the coin is umm…vibrating” and she pulls it out of her pocket The gemstones are putting off a magical power like the bag of holding. The steering wheel has the same pattern The land below is scorched and burned Sapphire is in awe of ship fitting in the coin. She finds the button that will release it and hides it away in a place separate from her money We head straight to Dan.

Session #58

Dungeon Master Notes
Entering into the Kingdom of Dan the party takes in the sites of the countryside. As they approach the see how the city seems to have guards crawling everywhere. As they make their way in, they stop off at a tavern called The Winking Skeever. Upon entering they are met with what seems to be the worst of of what the city has to offer. Lots of shady people, and the food quality is lacking. The party decides to leave the tavern and look for accommodations elsewhere.
The party then splits up from here. Aleda, Rendor, and Brewmaster head north in look of a Sage. The rest of the party consisting of Nova, Eyuraand, Claire, Ludovyn, and Sapphire look around for markets, making their way back out in front of the city gates. The markets are busting with activity and Claire even finds herself getting pick-pocketed, losing two gold pieces. As the team looks for food and nourishment, they notice a thunderous sound as they look off in the distance seeing the trees bend and break. Through the trees out comes a giant bear, riddles with arrows, ferocious and deadly. A battle ensues as the party seems to attack with everything they have, yet lacking actual damage to the massive beast. The bear lurches forward and crushes a woman from the market. As the battle began to look ominous and not in the parties favor, the bear st6ands up, roars in pain, and another creature bursts forward through its chest, splitting the beat in half.
The creature in the air that split the great bear in two, is a great horned beast, covered in blood splattered fur. Riding the beast is the familiar and menacing foe, Bakgordek! He laughs and shouts, “Fools!” in orcish before disappearing in a portal.
The session ends as the party revives the crushed woman, seeing her regain her from from being crushed, yet her reliving and enduring the agony of coming back from death and feeling the bones snap into place and her flesh whole from being squashed.

Sapphire’s Adventure Logs
As investigate the Kingdom of Dan I’m mesmerized by the map of the city coming out of the item that the guard has handed us
Chooses to go with group going to an inn/food
Couldn’t figure out how to use the map
Since no one can figure out the map we decide to walk down the boulevard
Once the map is figured out we find a tavern
We went upstairs in the tavern because the downstairs was unruly
The tavern is very run down and dirty- Winking Skeever
Buys a pound of dried rabbit in the market outside the kingdom walls
Feels bad about all the arrows in the bear that comes out of the woods
She thinks about casting Speak with Animals but it starts attacking them before she can do anything
“Yggdrasil why can’t we just have an uneventful time in town!?”
Uneasy about the fact that there seem to be things inside of the monster
Badgordack comes throw a portal and gets hit with arrows from the guard then leaves
“Thank you Yggdrasil for your protection”
Sad and upset about the woman who got crushed by the bear
Clair brings her back to life to 1 hp and I immediately heal her with Yggdrasil’s blessing
Isn’t surprised as Nova says that they are being watched
Sapphire is really mortified the bear and Badgordack.

Session #59

Dungeon Master Notes
The party is still split at the start of this session. We find the group of Sapphire, Nova, and Ludovyn in search for a house of worship and they found a temple. The temple was overgrown and upon entering they found a staircase that led down into the depths of the earth, opening into a massive cavernous room, filled with stumps and boulders to sit and an altar at the front of the room. The Altar, though, at the front, was in front of a massive set of doors. The three adventurers try to open the doors, but something magically keeps them shut.
Eyuraand and Claire seem to have found a hideaway to go and have some alone time, for the trip over the sea was a dangerous one, and they were driven to enjoy their lives with each other in solace.
Aleda, Rendor, and Brewmaster make their way to the magic shop seeking a sage. As they approach, they notice a magical site and the door to the establishment opens on it’s own, allowing the group to enter. The look of the room they entered looks mundane and with nothing of note at first, but then they look and see that many of the items around the room are performing tasks on their own, like brooms sweeping on their own, culinary tools making food on their own. Looking beyond, they see an lilac colored glow coming from a great room from the second floor. Entering the great room they saw a Tortle mage, casting a flame of unknown magic in its hand. Across the room, in a corner, they see what looks like a Tabaxi, however, upon a closer look, it’s another creature, much like that of Raksasha from the Mandarin. This creature is not clothed, like the one on the ship. Instead it has long flowing fur that seems to sparkle in the light, almost giving the illusion to be of a highly polished metal, glittering with colors of pink and lilac. The creature telepathically communicated with all three of the party, It gave each of them a vision, something to do with their past and their futures, but could not help Aleda for what she so desperately sought after, a way to bring Liliana out of the cloak, and into physical form.
After the great ordeal, the party conviend in a open square in the middle of the district they found themselves in, now all party members together. They heard a shout from familiar voices, Eyuraand and Claire had found a grand establishment for food and rest. They party went in, and sated their hunger and thirst. They rent a room and rest for the evening.

Aleda’s Adventure Logs
I found the sage in the Kingdom of Dan. I knew my request would be the most difficult. Thus, I allowed Brewmaster and Rendor to go first. the sage failed to revive Liliana or even tell me how to do it. Less I kill Boreas, My heart is broken. I am numb and feel the pain of loneliness . I am in a dark place in a dark time. I need my love to keep me strong, lest I become reckless, as I no longer have the love of life. Help me Namaka!

Sapphire’s Adventure Logs
Exhausted after a long battle, I decide to start looking for a temple of Yggdrasil to pray in. I ask some people around if they know if there is a temple and they respond in another language. I thank them and move on. I hear bells to the Southeast and decide to head in that direction to see if there is a temple and which god is worshiped. I ask if Nova and Ludovyn would like to come with me and they say yes. As we approach the building it looks to be a small church I ask Yggdrasil for guidance to find out if this is his temple or not. He responds by showing me vines around the building telling me that it is in fact his temple. I ask the individual with the robe and ask if workup for Yggdrasil is about to start. He runs up and grabs me, shakes, me and motions to go inside. “Well that is a weird reaction to my question” I think to myself. I ask Nova and Ludovyn if they would like to join me and they do. I take a deep breath and a sigh of relief to relax. I look around for a bench to kneel at or chair to pray at. As I look around the room I see 2 small alters as options to pray at Ludovyn, in the meantime, walks over to a door with vines on it tries to open that door. He fails and the bark he ripped off heals itself. I find a boulder to sit on and start praying to Yggdrasil As I pray I see the foliage growing in this chamber grow green. When I’m done praying we leave the temple and continue to look for lodgings. I feel much relaxed I’m confused when Brew asks if “How do we know it’s you?” I responde confused “What do you mean how to you know it’s not us?” I hear Eyuraand shout at us and turn to see that he and Claire have found logins for us. The silent coin tavern and inn Seeing Aleda drink the strongest ale in the tavern Sapphire asks “Are you alright” Aleda response that she may start crying in her already gone ale I sip may strong ale and listen intensely as the others tell The black ooze in Rendor is a part of Yggdrasil Upon hearing Aleda say she has to Boreas the god. I send a prayer to Yggdrasil and order a second drink. After we all eat we are ready to book rooms. Half rate (4g whole group). We grab Brew and help carry him up to our room. Sapphire finds a bed and falls into it.

Session #60

Dungeon Master Notes
As the morning light filtered through the windows of the inn, the party stirred from their slumber. A sudden knock on the door roused them fully. As they opened it, they were greeted by the sight of what appeared to be a child. However, there was something undeniably magical about this figure. It moved with an elegance and grace that seemed almost otherworldly.
The child, bright and full of life, seemed energetic and excited as it asked the party what they would like for breakfast. Before they could answer, it smiled and snapped its fingers. “Your orders are being prepared, and they will be right up. Rest and prepare yourselves for the day, as your nourishment and succor are but moments away.” With that, the child disappeared back through the door, leaving the party to settle in and prepare for the day ahead.
As they readied themselves, the party conversed about their previous journeys and battles, sharing stories and strengthening their bonds. Aleda and Nova exchanged pleasantries, while Ludovyn offered to create some tattoos for Aleda. The camaraderie and shared experiences brought them closer together, forging a deeper sense of unity.
Alezar, ever the opportunist, expressed his desire to gather information and rumors in the city, hoping to gain some coin. As he spoke, everyone in the party felt their coin purses vibrate. Reaching inside, they found that the one Nelson Teel coin had shrunken in size and dispersed into all of their pockets. Now, each of them carried a coin representing Nelson’s secret guild, a symbol of their shared connection.
Around this time, the food arrived, manifesting through the floor in a display of magical craftsmanship. Tables and carts of fine design, adorned with intricate details, appeared before them. Upon them was a plentiful harvest of fresh produce, warm baked goods, and dried and cured meats. Casks of ale and mead accompanied the feast, providing plenty for the party to indulge in the day’s first pleasures of full bellies.
As they enjoyed their breakfast, the party felt a renewed sense of purpose and determination. The bonds they had forged and the nourishment they received prepared them for the journey ahead. After the party had their fill of breakfast, they prepared to start their day. Aleda decided to visit the Sage again, seeking more information about how to bring back her lost love. The rest of the party planned to head to the markets, while Rendor chose to stay behind in the room, devising a plan to seek out the rogue elvaan he had glimpsed the day before.
As Aleda stepped outside, the weather took a dramatic turn. A deluge of rain poured from the sky, obscuring the sun and the street below her feet. Despite the torrential downpour, Aleda was determined to reach the Sage’s establishment. She prayed to the goddess Namaka for guidance and protection as she made her way through the storm.
Upon entering the Sage’s establishment, Aleda found other patrons seeking refuge from the rain. She approached the counter, only to be greeted by a frog of unusual size. The frog asked how it could be of service, and Aleda requested to see the Sage. The frog hopped up the steps, and a great ruckus ensued. The sounds of commotion filled the establishment, causing Aleda to grip the hilt of her sword, ready for anything.
To her relief, the frog returned, albeit bruised, holding a vial in its hand. It informed Aleda that in a week’s time, she should drink the potion, and the Sage would visit her in the ethereal realm of her mind. Satisfied with the instructions, Aleda made her way back into the pouring rain and returned to the inn.
Meanwhile, as Aleda made her way to the Sage, the rest of the party prepared to head to the markets. Rendor, feeling the effects of the mead but still sober enough to contemplate the true identity of the elvaan he saw the previous day, decided to stay behind. The rest of the party navigated the winding hallways of the inn’s upper levels, when a sour and revolting smell suddenly filled the air.
As they approached the main stairwell, an open door caught their attention. Through it, they saw a balcony, and standing on it was a dwarf dressed in fine linens, holding a staff of great magical importance. Beyond him, the kingdom was visible, but a great deluge had started, blocking everything from sight that wasn’t shielded by the inn’s roof.
The dwarf turned around and saw Eyuraand and Claire. He froze, shouted, and then fainted to the floor. The party looked on in shock, unable to understand what had scared him so, as a Dragonborn was not a rare spectacle. At the same time, Alezar tried to see what was happening and accidentally stepped on Sapphire’s tail. With lightning-fast reflexes, she turned and swiped with her feline claws, hitting Alezar’s belt and causing his pants to drop, exposing his private parts to everyone in the hallway. The onlookers were both embarrassed and somewhat impressed, as they had never seen a Changeling’s nether regions before.
Amidst the humorous encounter, the party turned their attention to the fainted dwarf. As they approached to investigate, the dwarf’s staff pulsated with a bright light, and both the staff and the dwarf’s body vanished in an instant. Confused, they made their way down to the main room, where they found Aleda, who had just returned from the Sage, soaking wet from the torrential rain outside.
They exchanged pleasantries and decided to brave the rain and head to the markets. Grabbing a table, they sat down as Sapphire and Aleda went back to the room to retrieve Rendor, so they could start their journey to the markets together.
When Sapphire and Aleda make their way to the room, they find the doorway ajar. They exchange a knowing glance, aware that the door was closed when they had left, and brace themselves for the worst. Slowly, they enter the room and find Rendor draped over one of the beds. The window was open, and muddy footprints weree scattered throughout the room.
Approaching Rendor, they attempt to wake him, but he doesn’t respond. Assuming he is drunk, Sapphire uses her decanter of endless water to shock him awake. Instead, Rendor is thrown across the room, his body lying motionless on the floor. Concerned, they rush to his side, expecting the sudden bath of cold water to have roused even the drunkest of patrons.
As they examine him, they discover a barb made of exotic bone, carved with intricate elven markings, lodged in his neck. Carefully, they pull it out and notice traces of poison. Aleda, with her experience as a pirate, recognizes the weapon as one typically used to incapacitate rather than kill. They secure Rendor’s vitals, ensuring he is stable, and begin searching the room for clues.
Aleda peers out the open window but sees nothing through the pouring rain. Meanwhile, Sapphire spots a small patch of green cloth on the floor. The embroidered pattern on it is vaguely familiar, reminiscent of a hunter’s guild from her village that burned down decades ago. With no further clues, they secure Rendor, who is fighting to stay awake, reeling from the poison’s effects and the many tankards of mead he consumed.
They make their way downstairs to the bustling inn’s tavern. The rest of the party looks on as the three approach, and they discuss what had happened, sitting Rendor down. As they explain the situation, the child creature from the morning appears, looking distraught and concerned. He explains that thievery and theft are not tolerated in his establishment and offers his condolences. At once, an array of food and drink appears throughout the tavern.
The atmosphere immediately begins to heighten as patrons indulge in drink and merriment. Despite the increased pleasures, the party notices that other patrons have also been targeted, as Rendor’s coin and others’ have been stolen. While they devise a plan, they decide to wait out the storm until the next day before heading to the markets. In the meantime, they try to relax.
Aleda stands up and starts to dance to the bard’s songs. She moves gracefully, holding her arms out as if she were with another, though the space before her is empty. Suddenly, her cloak floats off her shoulders, taking the form of a beautiful woman floating in her arms. Onlookers are bewildered by the sight of the floating cloak, but in Aleda’s mind’s eye, she knows it is the soul of her lover, Liliana, inside the cloak and controlling it.
They dance together as the tavern patrons and the party begin to let loose and enjoy the night. Tomorrow, their journey continues as they head to the markets, but for now, they find solace in each other’s company and the brief respite from their quest.

Sapphire’s Adventure Logs
Wake up and smell/taste that’s sour Sapphire hears a vibrating noise and buzzing. It’s a Nealsion Teal coin that was magically in her pocket Sapphire finds a magical chest. Ludovyn hands her a hammer which breaks (Sapphire will pay him back maybe 1000 gold) He tries to use a crowbar on it and it disintegrates Sapphire is going to the market to sell items from the Bag of holding for money. Sapphire waits for Nova to put on a disguise because she doesn’t want to be seen by the people of Dan Ludovyn, Eyuraand, Claire, and Nova joining Sapphire in going to the market to sell items at the tradesmen market In the hallway we smell the sour smell of death as well. It’s coming from a door in another hallway. Eyuraand finds a dwarf who screams at the sight of a dragonborn and faints at the sight of Clare Eyuraand is confused as to why the dwarf fainted and as he checks to see if he is alive and also rumages throw pockets to see who he is Sapphire feels her tail being pinched and in pain she whipes around and claws at the person who hurt her tail. She ends up attacking Alezar and cutting his belt causing his pants to fall down. Sapphire uses the decanter of endless water to splash water in his face and it hovers around him and dissipates. As they try to wake the dwarf up he the gem on his staff glows and in a flash of light the staff and dwarf disappeared A sudden thunderstorm hits and the rain is so dense that we can’t see the street below us. Eyuraand suggests that the sudden storm may be the dwarf may be signaling someone. They decided to go to the market anyway to blend in with the crowd Aleda comes back from visiting the sage and is confused as to why everyone hasn’t left. Sapphire and Aleda go back to get Rendor. She used the Decanter of Endless Water in geyser form to wake him up. Rendor has a whale bone barb in his neck with runic symbols on it. Sapphire uses protect poison on him which cures the poison and Rendor starts breathing again. Sapphire takes the barb and sticks it in her pocket saying “we should really get going” but Alada says they should look around so she helps. There’s a muddy boot print on the window sill. Sapphire finds a small piece of cloth with gold embroidery (elvin, old from a hunter’s guild that is near my home village). She grabs Rendor and any items left behind in the room. They go join the rest of the group and fill them in. Sapphire sets Rendor on a chair while she and Aleda fill everyone in. His coin purse falls on the floor with a thud. All his coins are gone and only Neilson Teal’s coin is left. The child who took our breakfast order comes out of nowhere demanding to know what happened. The party informs him that a party member has had their coin stolen. Food and ale magically appear in front of them. A barmaid says its to apologize for someone stealing their coin Aleda suddenly starts dancing and her cloak joins her.

Session #61

Dungeon Master Notes
The rain poured ferociously outside the inn, creating a symphony of drumming on the roof and splashing in the puddles. Inside, the warmth of the hearth and the camaraderie of your party provided a stark contrast to the storm raging outside. The inn was a cozy haven, filled with the scent of roasting meat and the sound of laughter and clinking mugs.
As you sat around a sturdy wooden table, you discussed your plans for the next day. The market awaited, a bustling hub where you could sell your items, restock your rations, and seek out rumors that might provide more information about your quest. The conversation was lively, filled with anticipation and excitement for the journey ahead.
The next morning, the rain had subsided, leaving the air fresh and the ground glistening with moisture. You gathered your belongings, ensuring that everything was securely packed and ready for the trip to the market. The innkeeper bid you farewell, wishing you luck on your travels.
The journey from the inn to the market area was a pleasant one. The countryside was rich and full of life, with fields of golden wheat swaying gently in the breeze. The sunlight broke through the clouds, casting a warm glow on the landscape. The path was well-trodden, and you encountered other travelers along the way, each with their own stories and destinations.
As you approached the market district, the atmosphere grew more vibrant. The sounds of merchants calling out their wares, the clinking of coins, and the chatter of patrons filled the air. The cobblestone streets were bustling with activity, and the market stalls were overflowing with fresh produce, exotic goods, and intricate crafts. Your party navigated through the crowd, making your way to the various stalls to sell your items and restock your rations. The market was a treasure trove of supplies and information, and you eagerly sought out any rumors or tidbits that might aid you in your quest. The energy of the market was infectious, and you felt a renewed sense of purpose as you prepared for the challenges ahead. Little did you know, your journey would soon take an unexpected turn, leading you to a mystical and ancient dragon who would reveal a quest of immense importance.
As your party navigates through the bustling market, the atmosphere is electric with haggling and laughter. Suddenly, everything freezes. The bustling noise fades into an eerie silence. From the shadows, a dragon emerges, its scales glinting with an ancient, otherworldly light. Its eyes, filled with wisdom and power, lock onto your party.
In a voice that resonates with the weight of centuries, the dragon speaks of a quest that holds the fate of the kingdom. Time stands still, and you realize that this moment will change everything. The dragon, known as Thalorath, is an ancient and wise being, one of the last remnants of the first brood of the dread Wyrm that fell during the Great Sundering. Thalorath’s scales shimmer with an ethereal light, a testament to his immense power and age. His eyes, deep and knowing, hold the wisdom of countless centuries.
Thalorath’s powers are vast and formidable. He possesses the ability to manipulate the elements, particularly ice and wind, creating blizzards and freezing his enemies with a mere breath. His intelligence is unmatched, allowing him to strategize and outwit even the most cunning of foes. Thalorath’s mind is a repository of ancient knowledge, filled with secrets and lore long forgotten by the world.
In the north, Thalorath and his brood made their home in the snowy mountains, a place where the peaks seemed to touch the sky. The air was cold and crisp, filled with the scent of pine and the sound of howling winds. The icy stillness brought a sense of solitude and clarity, a peace that was rare in the tumultuous world. The mountains were a sanctuary, a place where Thalorath could reflect and find solace. But this peace was not to last. Slowly, a darkness began to manifest further to the north. It started as a whisper, a faint shadow on the horizon. Over time, it grew, spreading like a plague, consuming everything in its path. This darkness was a malevolent force, a whirlwind of destruction that stole Thalorath’s home and sent him reeling to the south in search of refuge. The darkness brought with it a horde of nightmarish creatures, twisted and corrupted by its power.
Thalorath and his brood fought valiantly, but the relentless onslaught forced them to flee. They found solace in the deep caverns beneath the kingdom, a labyrinth of tunnels and chambers that provided a new sanctuary. But the memory of the darkness and the dread it brought still haunts Thalorath, filling him with a fear he has not felt since the Great Sundering.
Thalorath has been secretly aiding the kingdom, using his powers and knowledge to help its inhabitants survive the occasional onslaught of massive beasts that continue to raid the land. Recently, he forced a band of orcs deep within the bog, hoping to rid the kingdom of their menace. But the evils within the bog began to overtake even him, and he had to retreat back to his den.
In a moment of divine intervention, the goddess Namaka spoke to Thalorath, revealing that your party has been sent by ADONAI. This revelation is why Thalorath has chosen to reveal himself to you, knowing that your arrival is part of a greater plan. Now,
Thalorath calls upon your party to venture into the bog, confront the creature of unknown origin, and uncover the truth behind the evil that plagues the land. The fate of the kingdom rests in your hands, and the treasure that lies within the heart of the bog may hold the key to turning the tide of this battle. Are you ready to face the unknown and protect your home from the lurking menace?
As your party sets out on their journey, the countryside around you is a picture of serenity and abundance. The sunlight gently bathes the land, nurturing it with its warm embrace. Fields of golden wheat sway gracefully in the breeze, creating a mesmerizing dance of nature. The air is filled with the sweet scent of blooming flowers and the cheerful chirping of birds. The landscape is rich and full of life, a testament to the kingdom’s prosperity. However, as you draw closer to the bog, the atmosphere begins to change. The vibrant colors of the countryside fade, replaced by an unnatural darkness that seems to swallow the light. The bog stands out like a blight on the land, its presence a stark contrast to the surrounding beauty. The air grows thick with the stench of death and decay, and an eerie silence replaces the once lively sounds of nature. The bog itself is a twisted, malevolent place. The ground is soft and treacherous, covered in a layer of slimy muck that clings to your boots. Gnarled trees with skeletal branches loom overhead, their twisted forms casting sinister shadows. The water is dark and stagnant, filled with rotting vegetation and the occasional glimpse of something moving just beneath the surface. An aura of ancient evil permeates the bog, a palpable sense of dread that weighs heavily on your hearts. It feels as though the very land itself is alive with malevolence, watching your every move. The once gentle breeze now carries whispers of despair, and the oppressive atmosphere makes it difficult to breathe.
As you venture deeper into the bog, the sense of foreboding grows stronger. The path ahead is fraught with danger, but the fate of the kingdom rests in your hands. Armed with Thalorath’s wisdom and the determination to succeed, you must face the unknown and protect your home from the lurking menace. Are you ready to take up this mantle and embark on the journey that lies ahead?
As the battle begins, your party quickly realizes that attacks without magical effects or auras have no impact on the ethereal entities. The silhouettes of inky blackness remain untouched by mundane weapons, their forms shifting and swirling with an eerie grace. However, when magical attacks strike the entities, they are sent into a screeching frenzy. The air is filled with a piercing sound that brings your party to its knees in pain, an electric shock coursing through their bodies.
Despite the overwhelming fear and pain, your party must maneuver through this encounter with strategy and determination. You quickly learn to coordinate your magical attacks, timing them to minimize the entities’ frenzied responses. Each member of the party takes turns using their enchanted weapons or spells, allowing others to recover from the debilitating screeches.
As you navigate the treacherous bog, you catch glimpses of dead orcs scattered throughout the area. Their lifeless bodies are twisted and contorted, evidence of the horrors they faced. Among the corpses, you also see possessed orcs, their eyes glowing with an unnatural light as they move with a jerky, puppet-like motion. These possessed orcs seem to be under the control of the malevolent entities, adding another layer of danger to the battle.
In the midst of the chaos, you notice something peculiar. When the entities are harmed by magical attacks, faint sights of ancient runes appear, covered in blood and wet with mystery. These runes seem to be etched into the very fabric of the entities, hinting at a deeper, darker magic at play. The sight of these runes fills you with a sense of foreboding, but also a glimmer of hope. Perhaps understanding these runes could provide a key to defeating the malevolent forces within the bog. With Thalorath’s wisdom and the determination to succeed, your party presses on. The path ahead is fraught with danger, but you are ready to face the unknown and protect your home from the lurking menace. Are you prepared to take up this mantle and uncover the truth behind the ancient runes
The battle with the entities in the bog was fierce and relentless. The air was thick with the sounds of clashing weapons and the piercing screeches of the malevolent forces. Your party fought valiantly, coordinating their magical attacks to fend off the ethereal silhouettes of inky blackness. Each strike sent the entities into a frenzied rage, their screeches filling the air with a piercing sound that brought your party to their knees in pain.
In the midst of the chaos, Claire, the half-orc Cleric, found herself targeted by the entities’ foul magic. The dark forms wrapped around her, their malevolent energy seeping into her very soul. Claire’s essence of life, tied to the corruption of creation by Nidhogg, was being snatched from her body. Her eyes widened in shock and pain as the darkness consumed her, and she collapsed to the ground, defeated and lifeless.
The sight of Claire’s lifeless body filled your party with a profound sense of loss and sorrow. She was a beacon of hope and strength, her faith and determination guiding you through the darkest of times. Now, she lay still, her soul seemingly lost to the void. But all was not yet lost. Thalorath, with his ancient wisdom and knowledge of a secret ritual known only to Eyuraand and his ancestral dragon’s blood, stepped forward. The ritual was delicate and required precision, but your determination and love for your fallen comrade drove you forward. As you performed the necessary steps, a faint glow began to emanate from Claire’s body. Her soul, once lost to the darkness, started to return, cleansed and purified. With each step, you felt the presence of Thalorath’s wisdom guiding you. The ancient dragon’s knowledge of the arcane and the divine was a beacon of light in this dark moment. As you completed the final steps of the ritual, Claire’s eyes fluttered open. She took a deep breath, her essence of life restored. The weight of the battle and the loss you felt was lifted, replaced by a renewed sense of hope and determination. As the final entity dissipated into the air, a transformation began. The oppressive darkness of the bog started to lift, and the land around you began to change. The murky, stagnant water receded, replaced by clear, flowing streams. The gnarled, skeletal trees were replaced by lush, vibrant foliage. The air, once thick with the stench of decay, was now filled with the sweet scent of blooming flowers. The bog was restored to the rich and lavish forest that once stood under your feet before the darkness took hold.
Before you, ancient runestones from a bygone civilization stood tall, their surfaces covered in blood. The sight was gruesome, a stark reminder of the horrors that had transpired. Among the runestones, you saw the body of the young girl, her form ripped open and her skin flayed like that of a hunter’s prize. The scene was heart-wrenching, a testament to the malevolent forces you had faced.
But as you took in the sight, something caught your eye. Nestled in a secret spot within one of the runestones, a sparkling gemstone glowed with an ethereal light. The light of the child, her essence preserved within the gemstone, shone brightly. It was a beacon of hope amidst the darkness, a reminder of the purity and strength that still existed. With the battle won and the forest restored, your party stood victorious, though the cost had been great. The path ahead was still uncertain, but you had proven your resilience and determination. The light of the child, now safely within the gemstone, would guide you as you continued your quest to protect the kingdom and uncover the truth behind the ancient evil that plagued the land.
As Claire slowly regained consciousness, it was clear that the ordeal had left her incredibly weak. Her once vibrant energy was now a mere flicker, and she struggled to sit up. With a faint but determined voice, she addressed the party, “I… I must rest. The battle has drained me completely. My life force has been reset to zero, and I need time to recover.” She looked to Thalorath, the ancient dragon, with a sense of trust and reverence. “I will stay with Thalorath, protected in my weakened state. Here, I can acquire the training I need to regain my strength. My journey is far from over, but I must take this time to focus on a new discipline, or perhaps refine my current path with a more concentrated focus on the divine.” Claire’s eyes, though tired, shone with determination. “I will return to you, stronger and more capable than ever. In our darkest hours, I will bring the light of the divine to guide us to victory. Until then, I entrust the safety of the kingdom to you. Stay strong, my friends.”
With a heavy heart, the party watched as Claire began her own journey of recovery and growth. Thalorath, with his ancient wisdom and power, would guide her through this transformative period. Though she left the party for now, her presence and spirit remained with them, a beacon of hope and strength. As Claire embarked on her path to train in a new discipline or enhance her current abilities, the party continued their quest, knowing that when the time came, she would return to aid them in their greatest battles yet to come. The bond you shared was unbreakable, and together, you would face the challenges ahead with unwavering resolve.
With the battle behind you and the forest restored, your party made their way back to the kingdom. The journey was filled with a mix of relief and sorrow, as you reflected on the events that had transpired. The weight of the quest still hung heavy on your shoulders, but the light of the child and the hope of Claire’s return gave you the strength to press on. Upon reaching the kingdom, you parted ways with Claire, entrusting her to Thalorath’s care. The ancient dragon would guide her through her recovery and training, ensuring that she would return stronger and more capable than ever.
With a final farewell, you watched as Claire and Thalorath disappeared into the depths of the kingdom’s caverns. Your party then made their way back to the inn, seeking solace and rest after the harrowing battle. The inn was a familiar haven, filled with the warmth of the hearth and the camaraderie of fellow travelers. As you settled in, you took the time to make sense of the day’s events and recover from the loss of your friend. The questions that lay before you were daunting, but you knew that together, you could face whatever challenges awaited. The bond you shared was unbreakable, and with Claire’s eventual return, you would be ready to protect the kingdom and uncover the truth behind the ancient evil that plagued the land.

Aleda’s Adventure Logs
Thalorath appeared to the party challenging us to go into the bog and retreive the child of light, essentially warning us of great evil and peril within. I stood before Thalorath and told him my reward was not coin nor jewels rather life. i asked him directly if he could provide the price I required. While his answer was in riddle I had no choice but to accept the task. he pulled strength from me, nearly half. I told My Liliana that we would be together soon one way or another. Fearing death I told Nova I was sorry for killing her family and regretted my actions. With a feeling of dread and loss we entered the bog having aquired magic weapons Like Rendors hammer my sword now resides in my nice tattoo across my chest I hope Liliana likes it.
We were quickly intercepted by several shadow creatures and fought them hard finding victory more difficult than we expected. Claire was lost to us for a time but wes restored by, well that question remains. She explained that she needed to remain with the dragon Thalorath as to regain her strength but that she would return. Much to our horror, we discovered the child of light fileted open and dead. Her essence, however, was in a gemstone which we now possess. Perhaps; like I pray daily for the restoration of my love Liliana, we can have her restored as well? I am left with heavy heart.

Session #62
12/07/2024 – 02/04/2025

Dungeon Master Notes
The party, now in the Kingdom of Dan, with the weight of failing their quest of saving the Child of Light, now look for purpose. They settle in, and with Thalorath’s blessing, they live care free, to do what they wish. This gives the party many privledges throughout the kingdom. What will they get into, and how will they spend their time?

Aleda’s Adventure Logs
In the dimly lit taverns of The Kingdom of Dan, Aleda Delaplane, the feared pirate fighter, commands respect with her presence. Her nights are filled with the clang of tankards and the laughter of drunken sailors, but her heart remains heavy. Tall and imposing, Aleda’s strength is unparalleled, honed through countless hours of grueling training. Her sword arm is as swift as a tempest, her strikes as precise as lightning. Yet, despite her might, there is a palpable sadness in her eyes.
Each night, Aleda assumes the role of bouncer at the local tavern. With a stern gaze and a firm hand, she keeps the rowdy patrons in check, her formidable reputation enough to quell most disputes before they even begin. The regulars know better than to challenge her, for they have seen her in action, dispatching unruly drunkards with a grace and efficiency that speaks of years of experience.
However, it is during the quiet moments between the chaos that Aleda’s true struggle reveals itself. In the solitude of her small, dimly lit room, she kneels by her bed, whispering fervent prayers to Namaka, the goddess of the sea. She prays for strength, for guidance, and most of all, for the chance to see her long-lost love, Liliana, once more. Tears streak her cheeks as she clutches her cloak, the only memento she has of their time together.
As Aleda lies down, the weight of her loneliness presses heavily upon her chest. She buries her face in her pillow, tears soaking the fabric as the darkness within her threatens to consume her. She knows that her yearning for Liliana is a double-edged sword—both a source of strength and a harbinger of despair. The void in her heart grows each day, and with it, the darkness that she fights so hard to keep at bay.
Her training, once a means of escape and empowerment, now serves as a reminder of what she has lost. With each swing of her sword, she feels the conflict within her—an internal battle between the strength she has built and the fragile hope that keeps her going. Aleda’s patience wanes, her desperation mounting. She fears that if she cannot find Liliana soon, the darkness will claim her, transforming her into something unrecognizable.
But for now, she endures. In the clamor of the tavern and the quiet of her prayers, Aleda Delaplane continues her fight, not just against the pirates and unruly patrons, but against the shadows that threaten to engulf her heart. Her journey is one of resilience and hope, driven by the unwavering belief that one day, she will be reunited with her beloved Liliana.

Alezar’s Adventure Logs
Alezar Swiftfoot, the elusive thief and vagabond, navigated the world of foster care with the adaptability of a changeling. His ability to blend into society was unmatched, but despite his many disguises, he never felt he truly belonged. His journey took a turn when a seemingly inconspicuous homeless beggar saw beyond the façade and recognized the potential within him. This beggar, a former thief himself, became Alezar’s mentor, teaching him the skills that would set him on the path to infamy.
Alezar embraced his newfound talents and set off into the world as an infamous thief. He quickly became known for his daring heists and slippery escapes. But with notoriety came danger, and Alezar found himself owing debts to powerful figures and narrowly escaping death time and again. His life was a precarious balance of cunning and luck, and it was this balance that led him to reluctantly remain in the kingdom of Dan.
However, fate caught up with Alezar when he crossed paths with a formidable Goliath barbarian, one of the many to whom he owed a considerable sum of coin. Alezar’s usual tricks—talking, fighting, and scrambling his way out of tight situations—failed him. The barbarian was relentless and left Alezar with no choice. His life was forfeit unless he stripped himself of everything he owned. Swallowing his pride, Alezar handed over all his possessions and fled into the wilds, knowing that death would have been the alternative.
Bereft of his belongings and his pride, Alezar reached a settlement on the outskirts of the region. There, he sent word to his party, informing them of his departure and offering the barbarian in his place. Whether out of fear or practicality, he knew this was the only way to save his skin. Now, Alezar’s future is shrouded in uncertainty. The changeling thief may have vanished from sight, but his story is far from over. He could be lurking in the shadows, ever-watchful, waiting for the right moment to reveal himself once more. Or perhaps he has found a new path, one that takes him far from the life he once knew.

Anak’s Adventure Logs
Currently, Anak’s journey had taken him to the Kingdom of Dan in pursuit of Alezar Swiftfoot, a cunning thief who had stolen from him and eluded capture for years. With tales of an ancient relic potentially in Alezar’s possession— an artifact that could be the key to liberating his homeland from tyranny — Anak was determined to confront his elusive foe. The shadowed streets and echoing whispers of the kingdom hinted at the long-awaited showdown. For Anak, this was more than a quest for vengeance; it was a chance to reclaim what was rightfully his and continue his quest to free his homeland from the ever-looming threat of The Sovereign Legion.

Dro’s Adventure Logs
Currently, Dro is making his way towards the Kingdom of Dan, seeking signs of the rising darkness and any companions who might join him on this new quest. With every step, his resolve strengthens, feeling the flame of his inner dragon burn brighter with anticipation for the new challenges that lie ahead.

Eyuraand’s Adventure Logs
Eyuraand Ironhammer, a sorcerer whose mere name strikes fear into the hearts of his enemies, stands at the edge of a precipice, both in body and spirit. The cycle of agony has left deep scars on his soul—he has watched his beloved Claire die time and time again, only to feel the sting of her departure anew as she leaves to train with dragons. The void she leaves in her wake is vast and all-consuming, and he finds no solace in the world around him. His grief, coupled with his unquenchable rage, pushes him to the brink of madness.
Eyuraand’s once bright eyes are now shadowed with loss and fury, his hands trembling as he clutches at memories of Claire. He roams the halls of libraries, seeking comfort in the familiar, but finds none. It is only in the quietest moments, when the madness subsides, that he asks himself what Claire would want him to do. It is her voice in his mind that guides him, urging him to find strength and purpose in the depths of his pain.
With a renewed sense of determination, Eyuraand immerses himself in the ancient tomes of mystic teachings, seeking knowledge and power that have long been forgotten. He pours over the scrolls and books, unraveling the secrets of divine magic. The light of the divine illuminates paths within him that he never knew existed, unlocking a vast potential within his sorcerous abilities. As he delves deeper, he discovers new forms of spellcasting and incantations, his powers growing exponentially.
Yet, even as his magical prowess increases, Eyuraand struggles with the gaping wound left by Claire’s absence. His days are spent in arduous training, mastering the divine arts, while his nights are haunted by dreams of her. He envisions the future where they stand side by side, ready to face whatever dangers the world may throw at them. It is this hope that keeps the darkness at bay, fueling his desire to see her again, to fight alongside her once more.
Though the path is fraught with challenges, Eyuraand remains steadfast. He knows that Claire’s training with the dragons will make her stronger, and he must be ready for the day she returns. His heart beats with a mixture of anticipation and dread, the future an uncertain horizon. But in his mind, one thing is clear: he will not rest until he can once again embrace his beloved Claire, their combined strength a beacon of hope against the encroaching darkness.

Ludovyn’s Adventure Logs
Ludovyn went to an old temple to meditate. In a moment of profound stillness, the air began to swirl around him, and in a flash of brilliant orange and pink light, he was transported to an unfamiliar place.
Now, we meet another Ludovyn—one from a different plane of existence.
Ludovyn returned to the surface to find his friend, but trouble soon found him again. Captured by a drow sorceress who saw past his beauty, Ludovyn was given a choice: become a servant to her patron and agree to marry her within a year or face dire consequences. Reluctantly, he agreed, his hair now marked with fiery red streaks, symbolizing his new patron. As a result, Ludovyn began multiclassing into a warlock.
Safely on the surface but burdened by his journey, Ludovyn meditated once more. The air around him crackled with energy, and in a flash of orange and pink light, he found himself in a temple — oddly familiar yet strangely foreign.

Nova’s Adventure Logs
After enduring years on the road, battling formidable foes and entities born from nightmares, Nova Kahra and her party found a rare moment of solace upon their return to the Kingdom of Dan. The dragon, their most formidable ally, granted them the precious gift of relaxation and respite. For the next two years, each member of the party found their own niche, carving out lives within the kingdom they now called home.
Yet, Nova remained shrouded in secrecy, concealing her true identity from the people of the kingdom. She chose solitude and quiet, using this time to heal her wounded heart and the lingering pain of her childhood loss. Though known for her prowess as a noble paladin, she sought solace in reconnecting with nature. She spent her days in the temples of Yggdrasil, immersing herself in the ways of the Druids. While her heart remained that of a paladin, she found herself drawn to the Druids’ talents, thrilled by the prospect of summoning magical companions and mastering the art of wild shape to confront danger when necessary.
Nova took on small jobs and guard duties, always under an alias, determined to remain unrecognized by her former trainers or past peers. Despite her guarded exterior, she longed to reconnect with Ludovyn, her old friend and first love, as they continued their adventures together. However, her deep-seated insecurities and fear of vulnerability kept her heart and mind in turmoil.
In the quiet moments of contemplation, Nova often pondered whether she could ever still her heart and mind, allowing herself to reach her full potential. Could she free herself from the burdens of her past and embrace the future with an unburdened spirit?

Rendor’s Adventure Logs
Rendor Redfang, the menacing and powerful ranger and hunter, found himself at the mercy of his own madness. The theft of his gold and the haunting echoes of his past life began to unravel the threads of his sanity. Within him dwelled a sinister black ooze entity, an insidious presence that grew stronger with each passing day. Rendor’s conversations with his enchanted hammer, Mjolnir, became more frequent, though he skillfully masked these exchanges from his party members. To them, he appeared unchanged, but in truth, the darkness was taking hold.
In a desperate bid to gain control, Rendor summoned Mjolnir permanently, allowing the ooze to “live freely.” This decision only hastened his descent into madness. He sought solace in the bottle, drowning his sorrows in drink, but the ooze’s grip tightened with every sip. Rendor’s behavior grew increasingly erratic and aggressive. He clashed with townsfolk and travelers alike, his once noble nature replaced by fits of rage. The kingdom’s guards were not spared from his wrath; on more than one occasion, he assaulted those who sought to maintain peace.
Nine months into his spiraling decline, Rendor vanished into the night, taking Mjolnir with him. All that remained was a hastily written note, a final testament to his fractured mind. The note, scrawled in a shaky hand, read:
“My friends,
I must take leave from our sacred mission to purge the world of those who have done me wrong. I am thankful to each one of you for your friendship and I will cherish the memories of this grand journey we have taken together. But Mjolnir commands that I have a greater purpose, and I must fulfill that purpose.
Be well, my friends.”

Sapphire’s Adventure Logs
In the heart of the verdant forests outside the Kingdom of Dan, where the whisper of the wind and the rustle of leaves are like an ancient song, is where Sapphire Edge, the enigmatic Druid, spends most of her days. Sapphire’s days are filled with a rhythm only nature can provide. Her senses are attuned to every subtle change in the air, every movement of the creatures that share her home. She trains diligently, refining the Druidic skills she has cultivated over the years, her connection with nature deepening with each passing day.
Yet, despite her dedication, she feels a distance from Yggdrasil. Once, its presence was a beacon of growth and wisdom, but now it feels as if it is shrouded in a deep slumber. This perceived distance has stunted her growth, leaving her yearning for the connection that once seemed so effortless. She spends countless hours meditating beneath the canopy, her mind reaching out to Yggdrasil, seeking the communion that now eludes her.
To sustain herself, Sapphire takes on small jobs from the nearby townsfolk. Whether it’s healing the sick, tending to crops, or guiding lost travelers through the forest, she uses her talents to help others and earn a modest living. But these tasks are merely distractions from her true calling. Her heart and soul are devoted to the pursuit of deeper knowledge and connection with the natural world.
As the days pass, Sapphire returns to her roots, focusing on the fundamental Druidic practices that have always been her foundation. She communes with the animals, learns from the plants, and studies the ancient texts. Every whisper of the wind and every ripple in the pond carries a lesson, and she absorbs these teachings with a fervor that borders on desperation. She knows that great adventure awaits on the horizon, and she must be ready.
Sapphire awaits the next move of her party, sensing that their journey will be one of epic proportions. The anticipation is a fire in her belly, a beacon of hope that keeps the darkness at bay. Despite the silence from Yggdrasil, she believes in the potential for renewal and growth. Her faith in the natural order and the promise of adventure ahead drives her forward, as she prepares for the challenges and wonders that lie in wait.

Thuldrum’s Adventure Logs
In the rugged landscape of the kingdom of Dan, where ancient forests and rolling hills stretch far and wide, the renowned ranger and scout known as “Brewmaster” Thuldrum Elzworth. His name is whispered with reverence in the taverns and inns, not just for his skills in tracking and survival, but also for his unparalleled craft in brewing the finest alcoholic drinks.
Thuldrum’s heart, however, is burdened by a profound sorrow. The fall of Wellington Hills to The Citadel is a wound that has never healed. The memory of that fateful battle, which ravaged his hometown and separated him from his mother and brother as they fled from the invading forces, haunts him daily. Driven by an unyielding desire for closure and a desperate hope for a reunion with his long-lost family, Thuldrum traverses the kingdom, seeking out every scrap of information about the events that transpired that dark day.
He speaks to travelers, listens to old tales, and follows the faintest of rumors. Though the trail is often cold, and the answers elusive, every so often a tidbit of information comes into his grasp, rekindling the flame of hope within him. It is this hope that keeps him going, the belief that someday, he will uncover the truth and find peace.
To pass the time as he and his party await their next move, Thuldrum turns to his other passion—brewing. His time spent perfecting his craft has earned him the moniker “Brewmaster,” and he is becoming something of a legend among those who appreciate a good drink. His creations are said to have a magic of their own, capable of lifting spirits and soothing weary souls. The laughter and merriment of those who partake in his brews are a temporary balm to his own aching heart.
Despite his inner turmoil, Thuldrum remains a steadfast companion and a valuable member of his party. His skills as a ranger and scout are unmatched, and his brews provide comfort and camaraderie. He knows that great adventures lie ahead, and he prepares himself for whatever challenges may come, all the while holding onto the hope that one day, he will find the closure he seeks.
Thuldrum Elzworth’s journey is one of resilience, hope, and the unbreakable bonds of family and friendship. As he continues to search the kingdom of Dan and hone his craft, he remains ever vigilant, ever hopeful, and ever ready for the adventures that lie ahead.

Session #63

Dungeon Master Notes
Nova sat at the bar, her hood pulled up in an attempt to remain inconspicuous. Her sharp eyes scanned the room, keeping a close watch on her surroundings. At the other side of the bar, Sapphire and Aleda were deep in conversation, their voices a soothing hum amidst the tavern’s lively atmosphere. Aleda’s eyes glistened with tears as she lamented her 40th birthday, feeling the weight of loss and the emptiness left by Liliana’s absence.
Nova and Sapphire’s gaze shifted toward a dark shadow lurking in the corner, but before they could investigate, Eyuraand stumbled into the tavern. He stepped in a puddle of vomit and, with a cheerfully oblivious demeanor, greeted the two women. They nodded in acknowledgment and subtly gestured toward Nova.
Just then, the door to the bathroom flew open, and Thuldrum burst forth, greeted by a chorus of cheers from the patrons. The Master Brew-king, Brewmaster, had made his grand entrance. Thuldrum, ever alert, noticed a flicker in his peripheral vision but saw nothing when he turned his head. The air seemed to vibrate with an uncanny energy as the tavern door swung open once more. In walked Ludovyn, a figure that exuded familiarity yet felt slightly off.
The group, now engrossed in playful banter, joked about noodles instead of needles, teasing Ludovyn about finishing Aleda’s tattoo. Thuldrum and Nova both noticed Ludovyn’s red-tipped hair, glowing like the embers of a dying fire. Nova couldn’t help but flirt, causing Ludovyn to blush a deep crimson.
The joyful chatter came to an abrupt halt as the tavern door was flung open with a thunderous crash. A massive creature entered, each step shaking the floorboards and drawing the attention of every patron. He ordered a drink and, upon introduction by Nova and the party, paid with a coin of unfamiliar mint. The group, curious about his origins, listened intently as he spoke sparsely of his hometown and his enigmatic “relationship” with Alezar.
The initial unease dissipated, and the group settled back into their camaraderie, enjoying each other’s company. However, the air grew cold and oppressive, and shadows seemed to deepen in the corners of the room. A distant sound echoed from outside, drawing the party’s attention.
Stepping out of the tavern, they were met with a sight both awe-inspiring and terrifying. The dragon, Thalorath, was frozen mid-breath, fire poised to engulf a dark warrior standing an imposing twenty feet tall. Time seemed to stand still, and Thalorath remained motionless. The dark warrior turned slightly, a sinister smile playing on his lips as he brandished a glowing purple sword. With a swift, lethal motion, he drove the sword through Thalorath’s heart, ending the mighty dragon’s life.
The warrior faced the party, opening a portal behind him. From the portal emerged a gargantuan creature, its presence instilling an overwhelming sense of dread. The party stood frozen, facing an uncertain and perilous future.

Aleda’s Adventure Logs
I cant help but be somewhat grateful to my friends, new and old . They kept my normal misery in check. Sapphire surprised me by sitting with me, i thought she was indifferent to my presence . She made a comment that I felt was strikingly true. She said, “Forbidden love plagues the entirety of our party.” I wonder if she knows just how accurate she is.
Anak joined us. He has to be some kind giant! I wouldn’t want him chasing me! Little wonder why alazar traded everything he owned for his life! Euyrrand misses Claire as much as i miss Liliana. We are a broken party of miss fits.
I saw the same thing everyone else saw, the fall of the dragon protector and the return of evil; it seemed inevitable. I feel the draw and the need to return to the sea but to do so would be to abandon Liliana and likely end my life.
I was quite the pirate but that seems to be another lifetime ago. May Namaka bless and keep me and our band of lost crusaders. the enemy taunts us as he turned and took a look at us before departing yet again. I personally would reccomend caution as I fear none of us has much to lose…