Alaric Lightheart

Human | Cleric <Life Domain>
A quiet and studious cleric, Aleric, spent lots of time exploring the realm in search of greater spells to help heal those around him. This came to be a grave mistake as he contracted a fatal disease, born of a mysterious fungus that took over his mind.
Alaric’s Story
Alaric started off as a Diocesan Bishop in the Temple of Adonai in the great city, The Citadel. He was striving to serve Adonai in any way he could. From the times he was a small child, Alaric would spend times in the old libraries researching tomes and manuscripts to further his knowledge of the divine.
When Alaric became part of the Diocesan sect of the temple, he started to notice a great shift in the the way the Archbishop and Cardinals were acting. Instead of dawning their familiar white and silvery linens, they seemed to have changed to a gold and black scheme in linens. These new robes would look as if the they were moving on their own. Sometimes Alaric would catch them in secret meetings late at night; Alaric only finding them out as being awoken from a dream. Something seemed a miss, and that’s when Alaric’s life changed forever.
Alaric was soon called into the Archbishops quarters on a secret matter. He was not to tell a soul. As Alaric entered into the chambers he found the Archbishop without his robes, his body deformed and contorted. He reached out for Alaric with opening in his body that would hiss and spit foamy discharge. Alaric prayed a silent prayer to Adonai for protection and discernment. As he approached, the Archbishop task him with a task of great import. Somewhere, lost in the tombs across Alfheim was a magic vessel. This vessel would be adorned with mythical engravings on it and it was being requested on the behest of Lord Sorkin.
Alaric knew nothing of the Sorkins, but they were a ruling family in the noble class of the Citadel, however, something seemed amiss. Why was the Archbishop so tormented with physical ailments, and what was so important about this vessel. To find this out, he knew he must start his quest and to find a more robust library that might have the tomes needed to research this particular vessel. So off to the great Kingdom of Simeon he would go, for the Kingdom of Simeon was known for there vast magical and historical knowledge, and with the loss of the Kingdom of Lemuria, Simeon was know the only kingdom with as rich and substantial library than any other. So Alaric left on his quest to find this vessel and his first stop was for the Kingdom of Simeon to find out more of the item he was tasked with retrieving.
On his travels we was accompanied by a once noble knight, however, something had corrupted this fellow, for his veins ran black, and his skin would burn whenever Alaric would speak of or pray out loud to his great God Adonai. This troubled Alaric, as he knew of no illness that would cause this until they stopped off at a village int he Plains of Kythorn called Winderhill Village. The village was burning in the cold dark night and lit the surrounding area with and eerie glow. As they approached someone from the town ran up to Alaric begging for help, when the once noble knight hissed and spoke in a language not his own. He drew his sword and cut down the villager before uttering a horrifying scream that was only echoed by what he could assume was what caused the village to burn. Alaric took this chance and ran south into the winding hills and valley, losing the knight and fending for himself.
Alaric knew something was amiss, so he made his way to the coast where he boarded a vessel to the Kingdom of Lebanon where he could secure passage through the Meridian Forest back to the Citadel where he could notify the Archbishop of was was going on. Once he reach Lebanon, Alaric took up a room for rent in the local tavern and inn and planned on a restful evening, however, this would only begin an even greater journey for the cleric.
He was awoken by a loud sound of fighting and arguing and when he went out into the tavern to see what was happening we found himself in the middle of a robbery. He and many other adventurers stopped tit together, and then were asked by the local if they were able to help fight off bandits that were plaguing the kingdom. As the adventurers banded together, Alaric found a group of friendly individuals that worked very well together. When they reached the bandit hideout, and defeated their leader, who actually portaled away with a massive and obscene creature, they heard screams for the Kingdom main square. They were approaching as they saw a hooded figure dressed in robes, much like that of the Archbishop, yet they were tattered and torn from being out in the elements. The new party Alaric had joined took down this foe along with his massive earth golem and were soon overrun by hordes of undead,
They made their way onto a great ship and sailed off into the ocean, barely escaping a swift death. This calming time would come to an end, as their ship would be attacked by a great kraken and undersea monsters. They would crash and the ship would break apart in the battle, as Alaric and the party would lose consciousness as they drifted off into the sea. They all awoke on a beach and traveled in this new land. It was awhile before Alaric found himself in the Anlo Region, and he thought it would be a great opportunity to find more of this mysterious vessel. He kept it secret from the others, as he was afraid that they too, may be tainted by whatever came over the noble knight that attacked him so many long nights ago.
While wondering the wilds of the region, Alaric and his party went into a cavernous opening in the earth and found a species of fungus that infected Alaric. The spores entered into his lunges and took root and began to multiply ferociously. Before anyone knew it, Alaric had been taken over by the fungus, and instead of killing him, they lured him into the forest, where he may find solace, as they valued him as a friend and a follower of Adonai. To this day Alaric still wonders the vast wilds of the Anlo Region, taken over by a mysterious fungi. Is there hope for the young cleric? Only time will tell….