Aleda Delaplane

Human | Fighter <Champion>
A confident swords-woman, she’s a loyal fighter and friend to her party. She’s weathered by the sea as she lived the life as a pirate. She now finds herself in uncharted waters, as she has just become part Vampire!
Aleda’s Story
There is much to tell. I am the eldest daughter of a recently dead duke. I was promised in an arranged marriage of which I wanted to not be a part. I vowed to throw myself from a tall tower before I would submit to that. My father announced the event and I was to be wed to the son of an enemy to seal some ridiculous peace deal. The night it was announced I ran. I ran to the docks and stowed away on a merchant ship heading away from this awful place.
You see, sadly I am not the only Delaplane to suffer this fate. I have a younger brother and a younger sister, Tannis. my brother used to teach me how to use a sword, while talia suffered in finishing school. I knew my father would send tannis and a hand full of guards to bring me back, so I needed to disappear. That worked a little better than planned. The merchant vessel was attacked by the pirate ship, the Celestra, and most of the crew of the merchant ship was killed. I was quickly found hiding in the forecastle of the ship. I was cornered by three pirates, I drew my rapier hoping that my brothers training would save my life. I slashed the closest one across the face and the others began to laugh at him. He became enraged and charged at me and I ran him through. The Laughing stopped as he hit the ground. They drew blades and I thought for certain my life would end. But the pirate captain called out, “she’ll earn her keep! away with your weapons.”
I somehow managed to kill one of their best fighters And I managed not to get raped as I so truly feared. I did horrible things as a pirate for the next two years. I stole, I helped sink ships, and yes, I killed. I had heard rumors that my father had lost his head in a small territory war. Somehow I missed the party. My heart grew darker in those years.
We knew the storm was coming and we rolled the sail well before it hit. The waves were better than twenty feet high when the sky was filled with lightning. the wind and thunder were deafening and the rain was torrential. Lightning struck the main mast and it exploded into fragments. the sails fell onto the deck and fires broke out on the deck as well. The captain called for the crew to man the life boats as the line to the rudder snapped. Lightning struck again and someone yelled, “fire in the magazine!” and the bow of the ship exploded. The Celestra went down fast. I remember praying to Namaka and tying myself to a barrel.
the lightning illuminated the entire sky and I remember nothing else until waking up on a beach in the sunlight. My ship, my crew, my captain are gone. I had my rapier, my skirt, top, my hat, and nothing Else. I had been ashore nearly two weeks when I discovered this weary band of adventurers who were searching for treasure and a child of light, so I joined them.
I trust them and will fight to the death for and with them. I always thought they would for me as well. The city of gad changed things for me. perhaps it was some magical effect, or maybe my own dark heart which led me to her. I knew what she was and that didn’t stop me. She tasted my blood, biting my wrist, giving me knowledge.
As time progressed, the itching on my wrist served as a warning when I was in danger or near other vampires. At this point, I was still fully human. I had gained the cloak before we arrived at torngat, some time later. In torngat I wanted some companionship, but definitely not from a man. I found a woman who was interested, she told me she would show me a good time ‘if’ the coin was right. when we got to the room she bared her neck for me to bite. I was terrified, I didn’t bite and she grew violent smashing a lantern on her head. She charged at me and met my blade. my cloak fed and admittedly so did I. It was painless when my friend bit my neck…bite number two and yet I still live. I hope to become a full vampire without actually dying, but time will tell. As long as my friends keep me I am whole.