Beimaer Liatris

Kalashtar | Cleric <Life Domain>
From the Kalashtar Clan of Beimaer, her family stems from a long line of sages and healers. As a young child, she searched high and low to improve her craft and become a greater healer. She longed to be as powerful and helpful as her ancestors of the past. Fate befell her as she took a massive mace to the chest, extinguishing her flame.
Beimaer’s Story
Long ago in the wilds of Madurai, lived a clan of healers. Far and wide peoples of the realm would come and search for succor from disease and affliction. All was peaceful and the way of life was very simple, for peace and calm filled the realm after the Sundering. It seemed as if the everlasting peace would endure, until the Great War happened. The darkness spread and plague and a sickening blight filled the land. The agents of darkness marched across the face of Alfheim and all were doomed to die a horrible fate. That’s when Beimaer came from his simple life and took up arms using his mastery in the ways of healing. He marched with the Hero of Light and other bold and courageous heroes. On his journey he acquired many skills and abilities and even perfected how to resurrect one from the grave, but instead of as a puppet of the undead, he was able to bring their soul back into a healed and restored body! After defeating the darkness, and the Hero of Light retiring to His abode, Beimaer returned back to his clan and continued to heal the sick and lame, and teach his family the ways of the cleric.
Generations past, and his memory has been long forgotten to all but his family. For his renown to his family was so great that his they took his name because of his greatness, and use it as their Surname, but making it come before their given name. Now we find ourselves with me, Beimaer Liatris, long pressured to live in the shadow of my great ancestor. I left my home in Madurai and set on a mission to rediscover my heroic lineage and perfect my healing abilities. On my quests through Alfhiem my heard rumors of an amulet that would increase my healing capabilities to almost double of what I was able. I set off for the Anlo region, just as rumors spread, once more of a darkness spreading through the land.
As I made my way across the Haifu Straight, I noticed less ships out on the water from what I had expected and I soon found out why. The vessel I secured passage on was boarded and raided by larger beings resonating with evil auras. I had never seen anything so full of hate and malice and I tried to stay as quiet as I could as to not draw attention to myself. Once docking at Halphung, I made my way to the Kingdom of Gad where I soon heard rumors of a shrine of Light to the southeast.
As I made my way to find the shrine, a group of hunters shook me down asking for insight on a Band of adventurers that were wanted for some vile crimes. I didn’t have any information, but they pressed me as if I was lying. I cast an invisibility spell and ran as fast as I could until I made my way to a large cave surrounded by a group of well seasoned travelers. They accepted me into their group, but I dare not tell them of what happened in case they were the criminals, and I did not want to die. I told them about my quest to find the relic that was so dear to me and they allowed me to join them. Their cleric started to go mad, and soon we understood why, he had contracted the pox and his mind had been infected with a very dangerous fungus, he eventually ran off into the wild as the fungus took over his mind and body, may Adonai bless his soul.
This party I had come to love as my own family. We fought many hard battles and experienced many otherworldly encounters! One town we visited was even controlled by an ancient being, born of the mana fruit, only thought to be a myth! Oh how have I been blessed to meet a group of friends! We eventually came across those hunters again and they were not the people I thought, for they were half-orcs in disguise! Surprisingly one of them fell in love with the sorcerer in our group, and she turned on her own party!
We’ve fought a great being, one of the five, Qin! I’d never believe in a million years that I would be blessed to see such a being. She was magnificent with her fiery red plumed feathers spotted with cerulean blue tips! She was very wise and bestowed upon us great wisdom and knowledge. I am humbled to be apart of this group. They move as one, like a family, caring for each other along the way. I do miss my home, for the road has been long and my feet and spirit miss the Lilly pad and dongle flies that would flash bright colors in the nights sky. It was as if the stars would come down to visit us. A magical place, where I am from. I can’t wait to take my party there! They will be so excited to see it!We just met an adventurous group of goblins that were surprisingly friendly. I never knew the races of chaos could be civil! We agreed to help them win back their homes…but I’m scared to do so. These ruins look to have a dark presence over them. Adonai watch over us, for something wicked awaits…..
Rest in Peace Beimaer…