Lilana Burwilcot

Human <Vampire> | Ranger
Liliana’s story goes on for eons, however, she was a quiet woman from a quaint fishing village to the north. Fate befell her as she had a run in with an ancient evil, a Vrykölask, One of the original sixteen vampire lords. A millennia have past and she now travels with her love, Aleda Delaplane, tho she finds herself trapped in her cloak, awaiting to be set free to live and love again.
Lilana’s Story
Boreas, when creating the Twilight Races, tainting Adonai’s creation. When creating the vampires, he created 16 Vrykölask, or Vampire Lords. Of them, one in particular, Vsykösk-al decided to start his own coven, and made his way to the quaint village of Kördasl. A small fishing village of a mere 50 inhabitants, this village was mostly isolated since the population of Alfheim wasn’t as robust as we currently know. When Vsykösk-al arrived in Kördasl, he found a beautiful young woman, searching for firewood, for winter was drawing near and her father had tasked her to bring in kindling to keep the fire of their home ablaze. Her younger brother, Lylend was stircten with a diabability that prevented him from being able to walk, and thus was lame and needed constant care. When Liliana was approached in the woods near the village, she saw a towering figure, grotesque and imposing. This creature, though absolutely frightening, used his charismatic abilities and pursuaded Liliana to stay and chat with him. As night fell, the two sat in the cold damp dank forest. One would think that the biting cold would have caused her bones to shake her free from his spell, however, his entrancement kept her locked into discussions of many things.
Through the night they talked of many comforts and blessings, far from anything Liliana had ever known, or anyone in her village had known for that matter, because life was hard in the northern lands, and the comforts of luxury eluded them. Daily all the villagers had to work and toil over the land, and in the sea to make life sustainable, and this prevented any chance for personal growth, or thoughts of grandeur.
In these conversation, Vsykösk-al, promised Liliana of a life free from trouble, work and the toiling of everyday life. He offered her all the comforts of a life, she could only imagine, however, the thoughts of her brother, mother, and father kept her from being tempted into his spell. She almost had broken free of Vsykösk-al’s spell when he gave her a vision of Lylend walking up behind them, free of his ailments and disabilities, with her parents in tow. The look on their faces of pure bliss, which brought her immense joy and hope. She then felt a warmth, that spread throughout her body. It seems to envolope her, starting at her chest, then cover her down to her feet. Soon the warmth left her, and a chilling cold over took. She began to get sleepy, her vision turning black.
Through the night they talked of many comforts and blessings, far from anything Liliana had ever known, or anyone in her village had known for that matter, because life was hard in the northern lands, and the comforts of luxury eluded them. Daily all the villagers had to work and toil over the land, and in the sea to make life sustainable, and this prevented any chance for personal growth, or thoughts of grandeur.
In these conversation, Vsykösk-al, promised Liliana of a life free from trouble, work and the toiling of everyday life. He offered her all the comforts of a life, she could only imagine, however, the thoughts of her brother, mother, and father kept her from being tempted into his spell. She almost had broken free of Vsykösk-al’s spell when he gave her a vision of Lylend walking up behind them, free of his ailments and disabilities, with her parents in tow. The look on their faces of pure bliss, which brought her immense joy and hope. She then felt a warmth, that spread throughout her body. It seems to envolope her, starting at her chest, then cover her down to her feet. Soon the warmth left her, and a chilling cold over took. She began to get sleepy, her vision turning black.
As her eyes opened, the countryside was a brilliant blue, and immediately the thought of her family came to her mind! She had fallen asleep and she had had a vivid nightmarish dream, but her family must have been worried, for dawn was approaching and she had failed to gather the firewood to keep her family warm through the night.
As she ran into town, she was appalled by the sight that befell her. Bodies laid strewn in the streets, laying in puddles of blood, their throats and chests ripped apart by a creature unknown. She hurriedly ran to her humble cottage to check on her family, but as she approached and saw the door ajar, creaking in the wind, a heaviness settled in the pit of her stomach.
As she walked closer to her cottage, a voice whispered, “My child……do not go further, for only sorrow awaits you.” She looked around confused and distraught as she unknowingly had the confirmation in her bones of what had happened to her family. They were surely dead, but by the hands of who. Who could have done this to her family, to her town, and how was she still alive?!
As she stood, alone and cold, in the budding light of day, she walked slowly to the hill, that was in the center of town. She gathered her family and all of the village together and lay their bodies upon the village offering rock, for this was where they gave offering to Namaka so that their yearly fishing trips would come back bountiful for her village to want not.
As the bodies piled higher and higher, and finally her family, she cried out as the sun started to peak over the horizon. Immediately the scorching burn of the sun fell upon her flesh, and a pain unimaginable, coursed through her body. She ducked down, stripping her father of his cloak. As she adorned it, she looked down and found herself covered in blood. Horrified at the sight, and the trauma of her village and family before her, she went reeling into a panic, dropping to her knees vomiting uncontrollably. She tried to catch her breath, but soon lost consciousness again.
When she awoke, she was in a sea side cave, one her brother and her would go to before he got sick and lame. She looked out over the sea and was confused as to the clarity of the night. She looked around, and behind her was the creature from her dream, though, instead of a nightmarish creature, a tall eight-foot man stood before her, blood soaked and giving off a powerful frequency. His eyes shown bright white in the darkness of the cave, and his grin stretched from ear to ear, dripping with flesh and blood.
She ran up to him and pummeled his chest as hard as she could. Empty thuds, filled the cave, and her screams could be heard for fathoms. “Be still my child, for I have given you a gift.” Vsykösk-al said softly. Not able to do anything but scream and fall to her knees again, Liliana said, “My family… village……everyone….” She looked up, weeping uncontrollably, “What have you done to me?” she asked, hoping for death.
“Child, don’t weep, for I have given you a gift. For the dream you had, was real. I offer you the world. Come with me!” Vsykösk-al said comfortingly. At once, Liliana stood and a red cloud enveloped her. As it dissipated she found her self expertly groomed, dressed in the finest dress she could have ever thought of. “We go south, in search more, for my coven will be great, and terrifying.” he said, and somehow, Liliana found this comforting. As night fell over the sea, Liliana took Vsykösk-al’s hand and he took flight over the sea. She was amazed at his power and strength, as it seemed it had no bounds. After hovering over the water, the wind blistering through her hair they saw in the distance a port city with many lights. Her stomach ached and weakness filled her causing her bones to shake. “Be still child, for a meal awaits!” Vsykösk-al said telepathically. As Vsykösk-al and Liliana approached the city they saw a sign at the pier stating, ‘Welcome to Krystobúl!’
They were immediately enveloped in a black cloud of smoke, and came to in front of a well established and very fancy restaurant. Liliana, wide-eyed at all the beautiful people she saw and the many things of lavish comfort, her and her village never knew of. As she looked on, she honed in on men and women smelling a sweet aroma….and their skin pulsated with strands of life. Before she knew it, pain overtook her hands and as she looked down, her fingernails grew thick and long revealing long and powerful claws. Panicked, she ran behind the restaurant terrified of what was happening to her, her stomach growling with a sudden pain, deep and unending. Vsykösk-al approached with a couple in tow. “Liliana dear, our company has arrived!” An explosion of dark smoke and the group find themselves in a lavish room filled with drink and food. As the couple drunk from the restaurant partook in food, they lay on the couches, relaxing because they were feeling weary, however in reality, Vsykösk-al and Liliana fed ferociously. After they were finished, the alleyway was covered in the blood and flesh of their first victims.
Liliana immediately puked, but then the hunger took hold. Vsykösk-al, in her mind said, “Feast, for this city is MINE!” and the two bathed the city in blood that night, feasting until dawn of the next day. As the morning drew near, Vsykösk-al, went to shut the curtains to hide them from the sun, however, something was different…..the sun had not yet come. They went outside and stood and looked up to the sky. The sky in those times, was not like it is today, for then, you could see the Aether, in ALL of it’s glory The sun had not yet come out, for it was hidden. Another sight filled the sky…a great and terrible sight. “NIDHOGG?!” Vsykösk-al screamed. Liliana knew not of what he spoke. As she looked up, a massive being, immense and immeasurable filled the sky. His muscles glistened in the light of the Aether and a peel of thunder took away any sense of hearing they had. A flash of light and the dreadwrym exploded into a myriad of pieces.
Eons past and she traveled with Vsykösk-al, feeding and growing his coven. But before the Great War Lilana came face to face with another vampire….but one that was different.
Meeting this vampire on her way to Asher in the pass of Torog, she had a feeling she had not yet felt….a moment of freedom from Vsykösk-al. When she was with this other vampire, Psiilyk, Vsykösk-al’s telepathic hold was lost on her. This made her infatuated with Psiilyk. Centuries past, as the two started a life together in Asher, free from the dominating control of Vsykösk-al, but all that would change. As the two fed on a fallen doe they hunted together outside of town, they heard screams of terror and the ringing of the guard tower alarm. As they rushed to see what was happening, Liliana stopped in her tracks….there before her was Vsykösk-al…but he was transformed. He was in his full-fledged vampyric form, for by this time Boreas has been transformed into the twilight moon. Psiilyk, looked at Vsykösk-al, then at Liliana. “My love, I will see you again in another life, for I will rid you of this beast for you to be free and love again!”
Psiilyk ran into Asher and cried out to Boreas and she ripped the clothes from her body, transforming herself into a terrible form. Liliana was taken aback, for she knew that the elder races were only able to do so, for she had fallen in love with the very creature she detested. Confused and again filled with dread and sorrow, fled into the countryside. Days past as she hid from cave to cave to escape the sunlight, fighting off bears and the occasional monster hunter, she finally came to the town of Wellington Hills. She took a job as a peasant woman, collecting firewood and hunting small game, as she did, so long ago as a simple village girl. Her days were spent reminiscing of her former life, and her love, Psiilyk, until one day, she saved a young man in the streets from being mobbed. She was wearing a simple cloak, made of burlap to cover herself from the sun. Unbeknownst to her, the young man she saved Reinhardt Delaplane, a prince of the high noble house of the city. With gratitude, he took Liliana and made her a serf of his mother, Lafleure Delaplane. Lafleure was grateful for Liliana saving her son and sent her current garb to be thrown out in the trash, as it shown great age and was heavily worn. She lavished her with fine linens and silk and soon Liliana went from being a serf to a consort due to her immense knowledge of political and historical affairs. As the years past and the great lady grew old, she called upon Liliana to sit at her side, for the night would be her last. As she looked upon her, and Liliana trying to obscure her face, for she never aged, Lafleure interrogated her on what she was. For she knew Liliana was no mere human, but what, she did not know. As she got closer and closer to death, Liliana told her what she was, and to her surprise, she was not afriad. She grasped Lilianas hand, kissed it, and thanked her for her service to her family. Her eyes grew white and she took her last breath, for old age had taken her and her spirit had passed into the Aether. As Liliana went to let her hand go, as it had gone limp, it suddenly tightened around Liliana’s. “My love, I am here, and I’m trying to find a way back to you. You must run, for you are in danger. I will find you again!”
Liliana took off to the docks and made her way to the merchant ship, the Manacutter. She rode the seas and jumped from ship to ship, living as a drifter on the seas. As a young girl, she remembered making sacrifices to Namaka, and she wondered if she would hear her now. She said a prayer, “Namaka. It has been many a millennia since I last spoke to you. You know what I am now, and that I had no control of what I had become. I ask that you watch over me and keep me safe, for I wish to reunite with my love, in this life, or the next.” The seas laid silent, however she could feel for the first time in Eons, the splatter of the waves on her face. She smiled as she sailed the seas, to where she did not know.
Eventually, Liliana would find herself in Halphung, a great port city in the Anlo region. She walked the streets for days and heard of a coven to the south in the Kingdom of Gad. She made her way there, and found a home, albeit not one she ultimately wanted, but it proved safe haven for now.
Liliana was entering her 12th summer in Gad as the coven and city offered some protection so much had changed and so many eons since the small community she called home was destroyed but the pain was still fresh in her mind . She longed for psiilyk to return to her but there was nothing . Liliana was sad and alone .
It was a hot summers night when a beautiful young woman approached Liliana without fear or even hesitation she saw psiilyks eyes in her but she didn’t recognize her Liliana was confused . Perhaps she was merely seeing what she wanted to see.
The lady who looked strikingly like a pirate introduced herself as Aleda Delaplane. Delaplane Liliana knew the name instantly understanding that a woman of this age must be Reinhardt’s daughter but the eyes. The eyes were psiilyk’s blue grey and piercing . Aleda’s blood was sweet like honey and never tainted by man Liliana was at a loss for words and chose to bind herself to this woman.
In short time the coven was smashed and the city raised Liliana herself was slain fortunately she had bound herself to Aleda which kept her from the Aether she watched Aleda closely from with in. There were so many similarities between Aleda and psiilyk. It was in torngat after a battle that I broke a rule. I wanted to see her reaction. So I told her my name. I realized that she was instantly in love as was I. I knew psiilyk was involved in this although I had no idea how. Aleda began to sleep holding the cloak that I took from my fathers body to protect me from the sun. I realized the cloak could hold me and I could speak to Aleda telepathically. The pure determination to restore me could only be psiilyk.
The Delaplane family had been very good to me and Aleda was no exception I wanted to build our lives together but the whole being dead thing was really not working well. I have faith and I am praying to Namaka that we can both live and be together. I know my Aleda will find a way.
I knew it Psiilyk and My Aleda are one any reservation I had is gone. Aleda crossed into the twilight realm and psiilyk emerged I was so thrilled to see her I knew she wouldn’t abandon me. In a way Aleda has kept both of us intact but I should refer to them as one because I see they are one inseparable and complete and I love her and she loves me I have faith that she can bring me back as I know how important I am to Aleda she cuddles her cloak every night and I can feel her I have been praying to Namaka for my Aleda to find a way and I know it’s primary on her mind. I believe love heals all including death.