Rendor Redfang

Human | Ranger <Hunter>
Grew up in Sudak, a trade town on the edge of the Araucarian forest. Instead of following in the footsteps of the family business, I decided to become a Ranger. My mentor, Lanford Louvet, took me as an apprentice at the age of 17 to begin my training. Several years later while on a hunt for a pack of wild dogs that were terrorizing both human and elvish settlements, Landford Louvet betrayed me and left me for dead. By the grace of Yggdrasil I was able to finish off the pack of dogs before I nearly died. I was taken in by the elves and nursed back to health. Lanford Louvet seemingly disappeared but I vowed that day to get revenge… only if I could stay sober long enough to do so. I sobered up long enough to set off to Dowra in search of fortune and fame, and of course as much mead as I could drink.
Rendor’s Story