god of Ice, Lord of Channeling and Twilight

Not a true deity, but worshiped as one, Boreas created the twilight races of today. Because he tainted Adonai’s creation, he was imprisoned as the Twilight Moon that houses the void pit that Vahagn was imprisoned in.
Perks of Faith
- Piercing Cold
- Deal an additional 2d4 ice damage on successful attack, additionally, double the outgoing damage if you’re unarmed
- Frostbite
- Have advantage on all Saving Throws and Checks from the Races of Men, although you take 1d4 radiant damage when attacking them
- Ice Spikes
- Deal an additional 3d6 ice damage against wind based creatures
- Deal 1d4 ice damage to all incoming attackers
- Icy Allure
- Have advantage on all CHR-based Saving Throws and Checks
- Have disadvantage on all DEX-based Saving Throws and Checks
- Blessing of Boreas
- If you are NOT a twilight creature, take 2d4 damage each round
- Deal an additional 1d8 ice damage, 1d6 if unarmed
- If you ARE a twilight creature, gain 1d4 health on each attack
- Deal an additional 2d10 ice damage, 2d6 if unarmed
- If you are NOT a twilight creature, take 2d4 damage each round