god of Nature and Healing, Lord of the Fae

Firstborn of the lesser gods, he is also the one that keeps all elements in balance. His first creation was that of the mighty Greatwood, an abundant forest, full of trees that stretched to the heavens.
Perks of Faith
- Healing Breeze
- Add an extra 1d4 when casting a healing spell
- Nature’s Call
- Gain advantage on all Nature Saving Throws and Checks
- Benediction
- Add an extra 2d8 of healing to other within five feet of target
- Nature’s Mercy
- Once per Long Rest, you can re-roll ANY Check or Saving Throw with advantage
- Yggdrasil’s Embrace
- All healing spells add 1d6 to cure amount. Also, upon being damaged by a physical attack, Thorny tendrils burst forth from the ground at your feet and reflect 2d4 piercing damage to your attacker